BMK BMK The One With a Decent Haircut Presents... -------------------------------------------- Techie Guide Spring Cleaning - Keyboard ----------------------------- Okay, okay, I really think this is quite clear, but that James Judge will push me! Here's PERHAPS a small series of articles on tinkering within and around your Atari ST, or PJB (pre-Jag backing!) Falcon. (Just blame yourself if you wreck your computer, 'cos I take NO responsibility!). This is for STFMs and later models, models before this should be similar with things like the disk drive different. Mucking Out ----------------- WARNING: OPENING UP ANY ATARI COMPUTER WILL VOID ANY GUARANTEE - ONLY OPEN UP YOUR COMPUTER IF IT IS AN ELDERLY OLD THING (by which time it will need a clean!). Note: All the ST steps apply to the Falcon, they are built almost exactly the same. Okay, first find a clean, dry, well-lit area with a fair amount of elbow room. Unplug all of the connections to the computer including the mouse and joystick. Find some small tubs to put screws in, you don't want to lose them, do you? You are now ready to begin. Earth yourself, in other words touch a radiator or something, this prevents damage to your computer. Do this whenever you walk around for any amount of time and now and then anyway. Carefully turn your ST over and lay it on its back. Have a look at the screws. Most of them will be in round holes, about three will be in square holes. The three in the square holes are for the disk drive, so leave them alone for now, the rest you can carefully remove with a cross-point screwdriver, put the screw in a pot and remember where the different length ones went. Holding the case to the ST, turn the hole unit over again. Set the ST down, and lifting from the left the upper part of the casing should come away easily. Move the case right and up to free it from the disk ejector button and put it to one side. You'll now be faced with about three or four separate compartments. The PSU (power supply unit) will be at the top left, disk drive will be on the top right, keyboard along the bottom and if you have a Falcon the speaker will be in the middle. Next thing to do is quite fun. Pull off all the keys of your ST. NO, not all at once, you'll never get them on right again! Just a few at a time, CAREFULLY. Lift them gently and 100% vertically, they should come off with a slight click. Underneath you'll see the little posts, around them will probably be a few tons of muck. Go around the keyboard cleaning out the muck and removing and replacing keys. I find any household cleaning fluid is okay for this, just don't put much on and wipe it off well. Now that has been done, just have a look at the computer just under where the vent slots are/were. If it is mucky you may want to CAREFULLY dust the metal shield - without cleaning fluid, but don't touch any electronics that may be about. When you've done that re-assemble your ST in exactly the same way as you took it apart. Then double check everything. Next we need to clean the key tops. If they are grimy, then use a little fluid on a cloth and have a good rub on each key, the dirt will come of instantly. Make sure your keys are dry and that your hands are too, reconnect everything and you'll have a spanking clean keyboard! BMK BMK - o -