Frontier - Elite 2 Hints and Tips by James Judge Hey - I've progressed from the ST version and now have the great PC version of this good game. I've been playing for about 8 hours (approx 2 game years) and now have a Panther Clipper that can take me (nearly) everywhere I want to go. Now, am I good, or have I cheated? I'm just good . No, actually I did use one cheat to get the Panther and am using another to get from place to place. Normally I don't cheat, but I couldn't wander around the systems building up the cash reserves I had on the ST version and I feel that the 9 light year restriction on Panthers is a bit daft. OK, to the first cheat... This one allows you to get huge cash reserves without the need for doing any work and, so, allows you to get any ship you want. To do this get a couple of passenger cabins and then get at least one passenger. Next go to the shipyard and try to buy a ship that costs LESS than your present one (ie you get money for trading it in). When you try to buy the ship you are told that you can't sell ships with passengers, but you get the money anyway due to a programming quirk! Do this a few times and you will be rolling in it. Don't use it too much, though, just enough to get that ship you have always wanted, or to make some expensive repairs occasionally. Now, it's all well and good getting a huge ship like the Panther, but if it goes only 9 light years there is no real point in having the ship. Well, you're wrong. If you use the next cheat (called the Wormhole cheat) you'll be able to figure out a way to get anywhere in the galaxy using a small amount of fuel and only a day or so's travelling time. To do this you need to know how to fastscroll on the galactic map. To fastscroll hold down the RIGHT shift key and then move around the map normally - you'll be skipping a whole sector per keypress! Now, if you fastscroll on the galactic map in any direction, when you reach a distance of more than 655.35 light years, the sign "out of range" changes to a "fuel required" figure, the minimum being four tonnes. You are now able to jump to this system almost instantaneously. Jumping to a system other than the one you started from takes quite a bit of trial and error, due to the distance between systems. For example, if you want to jump from Sol to Barnards Star, you jump via a system called BEFAILIA at co-ordinates -8,81. If you want to go to Ross 154 from Sol, you jump via EQUIPHI at 35,-74. By using this technique you can go almost anywhere without worrying about the range of your ship. The best way to use this cheat is in Imperial space. If you're at Sol jump to Wolf 359 and from there to Zeander at -81,-4, and from there to Facece at 0,-4. Go to the bulletin board and select all Imperial Navy missions to Sohoa due in more than 6 days and all missions to Vequess that are due in more than 12 days. Also pick up any taxi or courier missions to these two planets. Now, jump back to Zeander (-81,-4) and then to Sohoa (0,-4). At Sohoa take all missions to Vequess due in 6 or more days and any to Facece due in more than 12 days, as well as any taxi or courier missions. Now jump to Sozeex (-45,64) and then to Vequess (0,-4). At Vequess pick up any missions due to Facece (in six or more days) and Sohoa (12 or more days) as well as any taxi or courier missions. Now jump to Inackin (-8,77) and then to Facece (0,-4) to complete the triangle. If you continue this for an hour or so your Imperial rating will shoot up and the cash will roll in. Also your reputation will get a huge boost and by the end of the escapade, you should be able to get all the cash at the start of the mission 60% of the time (as well as extra cash for doing the mission). So, in graphical form this triangle looks like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------- >-->--> Working clockwise >-->--> Facece (0,-4) Sohoa (0,-4) [Sohoa-6days] [Vequess-6days] [Vequess-12days] [Facece-12days] | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | Zeander (-81,-4) | | | | | Inackin (-8, 77) Soleex (-45,64) \ / \ / \ / Vequess (0,-4) [Facece-6days] [Sohoa-12days] ----------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for this file. As a follow-up to this look out for my Wormhole Chart which (when I've figured out how to put it into an ASCII file) will show the wormhole routes for all the major stars around the Sol system. Happy eliting!!! - o -