BMK BMK The Bitmap Kid Presents... ----------------------------- ZORK ZERO - The Solution --------------------------- Well here I am with a solution to this massive game in one issue (yes, crazy, but someone has to be foolish enough to do it!) Anyway, since there is so much of the walkthrough I'll stop nattering and get on with it! General Advice. You'll come across the Jester quite often in the game so you need to know what to do with him, sometimes he will help, hinder or entertain you, he may also change you into an alligator now and then, so wait twice and then pick up your objects (an alligator can't carry stuff for some reason...). Other times he will put a red nose on your face, but remember to always remove and drop it, you don't want it. When the Bedbug shows up, sing a lullaby to get rid of it. At some time someone will give you some slate, examine it, read it, drop it, and note the clue). When you see the funny paper do the same and note clue on the slab. Watch out for the amount of stuff you are carrying at any one time, because, as always, you can only carry so much. Game. Rightey-ho! NE, S, W, E, W, DIVE UNDER TABLE, WAIT, STAND, TAKE SCRAP. To remove the curse you need to find 24 items, when you have them all throw them in the cauldron and say the magic word. From the great hall go S, S, TAKE SCEPTER, SIT ON THRONE, SNAP FINGERS, GET OFF THRONE, S down secret passage, GET CANDLE, S, W, SW, UP to the solar, GET KEY, ANSWER RIDDLE 'Y', W, S, GET CLOAK, GET GLOVE, WEAR GLOVE, N, E, D, NE, E, E, D, S, D, GET CAP, WEAR CAP, the Jester will give you a riddle, if you don't see him, wait a few times, answer TRIPLET, SW, open all the devices until you find the metronome, GET METRONOME, NE, N, U, W, N, N, N, N, you should be back at the great hall. Now go UP, S, S, PRESS BUTTON, GET BAG, N, N, D. DROP METRONOME, CLOAK, BAG, SCEPTER. When you see the instructions within single quotes type in the whole lot, including commas. Now go N, RING BELL. You are given another riddle, answer TIME. Go N, GET WORM, NW, NW, U, TURN WHEEL, D, NW, NW, SW (gallery), OPEN LOCKER, GET STEEL KEY, NE, NE, SE, E, N. The jester will give you another riddle, answer BOOKKEEPER, GET COIN, S, E, S, GET PACKAGE, OPEN PACKAGE, N, E (lobby), U (19 times) and then S. GET T-SQUARE, N, D (20 times), PRESS BUTTON, STAND ON CONDUCTORS STAND, GET OFF, TAKE VIOLIN. GET ON STAND, GET OFF STAND, N, U, E, N (magic shop), GET RING, S, W, W, W, W, NW, SW, SE, SE, SE, SE, S, S, you're back in the great hall. Now DROP ALL EXCEPT CANDLE, IRON KEY. E, SE, UNLOCK DOOR, OPEN DOOR, E, N, EXAMINE BOOK, READ ABOUT JESTER and note down the middle name, it's random, TOUCH ARMOR, TOUCH ARMOR, TOUCH ARMOR, GET LANCE, S, S (chapel), OPEN TRAPDOOR (this will help you later), N, E, GET WAND, E, U, OPEN LARGE DOOR, N, N, GET GOGGLES, WEAR GOGGLES, READ CRATE, BURN CRATE WITH CANDLE, S, S, OPEN SMALL DOOR. Okay, here we are at one of the most maddening puzzles of all time - The Towers of Hanoi! Here's the solution to Part One. 1R, 2L, 1L, 3R, 1C, 2R, 1R, 4L, 1L, 2C, 1C, 3L, 1R, 2L, 1L, 5R, 1C, 2R, 1R, 3C, 1L, 2C, 1C, 4R, 1R, 2L, 1L, 3R, 1C, 2R, 1R, 6L, 1L, 2C, 1C, 3L, 1R, 1L, 1L, 4C, 1C, 2R, 1R, 3C, 1L, 2C, 1C, 5L, 1R, 2L, 1L, 3R, 1C, 2R, 1R, 4L, 1L, 2C, 1C, 3L, 1R , 2L, 1L. PHEW! Now open the large door, N, W, TAKE CUP, E, S. Now save the game and OPEN SMALL DOOR. Part Two. 1C, 2R, 1R, 3C, 1L, 2C, 1C, 4R, 1R, 2L, 1L, 3R, 1C, 2R, 1R, 5C, 1L, 2C, 1C, 3L, 1R, 2L, 1L, 4C, 1C, 2R, 1R, 3C, 1L, 2C, 1C, 6R, 1R, 2L, 1L, 3R, 1C, 2C, 1R, 4L, 1L, 2C, 1C, 3L, 1R, 2L, 1L, 5R, 1C, 4R, 1R, 2L, 1L, 3R, 1C, 2R, 1R. Now OPEN LARGE DOOR, N, E, GET MANUSCRIPT, W, S, D, W, W, W, NW, W, DROP LANCE, CUP, MANUSCRIPT, IRON KEY. Just to be 100% sure, make sure you have, and are wearing, the goggles and are carrying the candle and wand. Okay then! GET the STEEL KEY, N, E, E, D, GET WALNUT. U, W, W, W, you'll be in the parlor. POINT THE WAND AT THE LOBSTER, GET the NUTCRACKER, S, SW. UNLOCK the DOOR and then OPEN DOOR. Go W, W, the jester will give you a riddle. OPEN the WALNUT WITH the NUTCRACKER and SHOW the NUT TO the JESTER. EAT the WALNUT. N, EXAMINE the PEG BOARD, PLAY PEGGLEBOZ. Try this: QG, SQ, HR, UL, IK, TI, EJ, OG, AE, FN, MO, LJ, PF, FC, BD, DK, QG, EJ, OG. When you've done that okay go N. POINT TO the HAT _or_ the SHOE and you will get a Zorkmid Bill. Go S, DROP ALL, S (Gym), GET DUMBBELL, go, N, E, NE, E (great hall). DROP the DUMBBELL, W, SW, W, GET ALL, E, NE, E and DROP ALL except the CANDLE. GET the GOLD COIN, CLOAK, PERCH and PIGEON. (Be careful whenever you pick up the Pigeon, it may sometimes take TWO turns to do it.) Make sure you are WEARing the GLOVE and then go D, D, and EXAMINE DOOR. EXAMINE DIAL, TURN DIAL TO 1234 and OPEN the DOOR. S, GET STOCK CERTIFICATE, N, N, GET PASSAGES, TAKE NOTICE, READ NOTICE, DROP NOTICE and go S. U, N, GET SCREWDRIVER, S, SW, S, W, W, you'll be at the construction site. SW, SE, W, W, N, NE, N. INSTALL NW PASSAGE IN NW WALL. NW, NE, INSTALL N PASSAGE IN N WALL, N, NE, W, W, SW, S, SW, W, NW. DROP PERCH, WEAR CLOAK. Go in any direction you want and keep going until you find the soldier on a horse. GIVE THE PIGEON TO THE SOLDIER. REMOVE THE CLOAK, GET PIGEON AND SOLDIER. N, NW. DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON, SOLDIER. NW. DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON, SOLDIER, SE. DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON, HARD HAT, PERCH. SE, E, NE, NE, NE, E, SW, S, SW, SE, S, SW, S, E, E, NW, NE, E, E (exit). DROP CLOAK and go S, S (toll plaza), READ SIGN, PUT COIN IN BASKET, S, E, D. GET ORBS, U, W, N, N, E (cave in). The jester asks for his middle name. ANSWER . GET ANTI-PIT BOMB, W, N, N, NE, D, D, THROW BOMB AT PITS, GET LANTERN, UP, UP, UP. You'll be back in the Great Hall. DROP ALL EXCEPT the CANDLE. Okay then, the next bit. D, SW, S, S, W, W, SW, W, W, N (intersection). GET BOX, GET NUMBER, WAIT (a couple of goes until you are next), 'EXECUTIONER BEHEAD ME'. You will be thrown out. W, N, PLAY DOUBLE FANUCCI. To win the game you can do anything you like, however, you must always keep a minimum of three cards face up. Wait until the jester discards trebled fromps card, then on your next three goes undertrump any three cards of yours facing up. You will win the game. GET BROOM, GET UP, S, E, S, S, SE, READ SIGN, SAVE GAME, NE, READ LEFT DOOR, READ CENTER DOOR, READ RIGHT DOOR. OPEN the DOOR that does NOT mention the Wishyfoo on it. GET SHOVEL, D, NE, E, E, N, N, NE and then UP to the Great Hall. Now DROP ALL except the CANDLE and SHOVEL. N, N, NW, NW, NW, NW, STAND BY STUMP, JUMP (in the indicated direction), DIG WITH SHOVEL and OPEN CHEST. GET CROWN, SE, SE, SE, SE, S, S, GET BROOM, S, S, S, S, E, D, S, SE (cell). SWEEP COBWEBS WITH BROOM, GET GLASS FLASK, NW, N, N, N, you'll be in the crypt. Follow the directions on the funny paper, then look in the right place. D, U, S, S, U, W, N, N, N, N and you'll be back at the great hall. Now drop all except the CANDLE, make sure you are wearing the cap, get the squid repellent from the box, then get the pigeon and the perch. Okay then, head D, SE, E, ENTER DOCK, ENTER BOAT, EXAMINE CONTROLS, PRESS WHITE BUTTON, D, EXAMINE BATHYSPHERE, ENTER and CLOSE DOOR. EXAMINE CONTROLS, TURN ON LIGHTS, PUT HAND IN HOLE, GRAB REPELLENT and PUSH LEVER DOWN. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, you will reach the bottom. RELEASE REPELLENT, GET RUBY, PUSH LEVER UP. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, you will reach the top. REMOVE HAND, OPEN DOOR, EXIT, GET RUBY, U, PRESS GREEN BUTTON, EXIT BOAT, LEAVE DOCK, W, W. The Jester will give you another riddle, answer MUSIC and he will give you a diploma. E, S, E, NE, N, E, GET AMULET, PUSH BOULDER, N, PRESS BUTTON, NE, DROP ALL EXCEPT CANDLE, PIGEON. SW, D, GET ALL, PUT GRAVEL IN BOWL. SW, D, GET ALL, PUT GRAVEL IN BOWL. PUT HAND IN BOWL, GET ALL, WEAR AMULET, SW, S, W, N, GET ROOSTER, GET SADDLE, S, S, GET FOX, SW, GET FLY, W, N, ENTER DOCK, ENTER BOAT. PRESS YELLOW BUTTON, WAIT, EXIT BOAT, EXIT DOCK, W, NW, U, you'll once again be in the Great Hall. DROP FLY, DIPLOMA, PIGEON, PERCH, CANDLE, RUBY, SADDLE. GET WORM, W, SW, W, W, ENTER DIRIGIBLE, PRESS RIGHT BUTTON, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, EXIT, S, E, N, GIVE FOX, ROOSTER, WORM TO JESTER. Right, DROP ALL EXCEPT ROOSTER, N, DROP ROOSTER, S, GET FOX, N, GET ROOSTER, DROP FOX. S, GET WORM, DROP ROOSTER. N, DROP WORM, S, GET ROOSTER, N. GET BLOCK, ENTER DIRIGIBLE, PRESS LEFT BUTTON, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, EXIT, EAST, EAST, NE, EAST (Great Hall). DROP BLOCK. GET CANDLE, D, SE, W. GET TOBOGGAN, E, NW, U, GET ORBS, PERCH, PIGEON, RUBY. Make sure you are WEARing the AMULET. E, SE, E, S, D, D. DROP PERCH. PUT RUBY IN DEPRESSION, EXAMINE AMULET. Keep examining the amulet until one of its eyes is open. ENTER ORACLE. Once at the glacier DROP TOBOGGAN. RIDE TOBOGGAN and when you come to a stop, look at each of the orbs in the mirror and throw the orb that showed nothing to the east. EXIT, W, GET SCALE MODEL, DROP the other two orbs that showed nothing, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. U, U, N, W, NW, W, you'll be back once again at the Great Hall. DROP SCALE MODEL, GET BLOCK AND WAND. D, SE, SAVE, DROP PIGEON. POINT the WAND at the SNAKE, OPEN CAGE, GET ROPE, GET PIGEON, EXAMINE AMULET. When all the eyes on the amulet are closed, ENTER ORACLE, D, TIE ROPE TO SPIRE, D, GET EASEL and LANDSCAPE. DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. EXAMINE AMULET, and when all the eyes are closed again, ENTER ORACLE. PRESS BUTTON, SE, D, PUT ORB ON ALTER, GET FLOWER. U, NW, SW, PUT BLOCK IN HOLE, S, GET SAPPHIRE, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. U, U, N, W, NW, W - Great Hall. DROP the SAPPHIRE and the LANDSCAPE and the EASEL and the WAND. W, SW, W, W, ENTER DIRIGIBLE, PRESS RIGHT BUTTON, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, EXIT, S, E, S and play the game. As usual, it is easy when you know how. The number of open flowers on the top left of the screen represents the pile number. The flowers on the right represents the number of stones to take. Enter these numbers and follow the hints. When you win GET FAN, N, PUT FLOWER IN VASE, E, GET LADDER, W, W, N, ENTER DIRIGIBLE, PRESS LEFT BUTTON, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. EXIT, E, E, NE, E. You'll be in the Great Hall. DROP THE LADDER and the FAN. GET LANTERN, REMOVE CAP, DROP CAP, GET HARD HAT, WEAR HARD HAT, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. EXAMINE AMULET, when all FOUR eyes are open, ENTER ORACLE. READ SIGN, E, N, N, PRESS BUTTON, NW, GET QUILL PEN, SE, S, S, W, W, SW, SE, E. TURN ON LANTERN, U, E, SE into icky cave. COUGH, "SICKLY WITCH, HELLO", GET VIAL, NW, SEARCH NEST, GET TIE, W, D, GET ALL, TURN OFF LANTERN. DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON, DROP LANTERN, U, U, N, W, NW, W. (Great Hall...) DROP TIE and PEN. REMOVE HARD HAT, DROP HARD HAT, GET LADDER, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. EXAMINE AMULET, when three eyes are open, ENTER ORACLE, SW, S, W, READ POEM, DROP LADDER, CLIMB LADDER, OPEN TRAPDOOR, U, PRESS BUTTON. D, E, N, SE, E, READ SIGN, NE, GET VIAL, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON, U, U. N, W, NW, W (Great Hall). GET BAG, WAND, W, POINT WAND AT FLAMINGO, GET ORNAMENT, E, D, N, N. ENTER LEFT BOOTH, DROP ORNAMENT, ENTER RIGHT BOOTH, OPEN BAG, PRESS BUTTON, EAT FOOD. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, turn Flamingo back to normal. GET ALL, WEAR AMULET, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. U, U, N, W, NW, W (Great Hall). DROP ALL EXCEPT CANDLE, VIALS, GET CAP, WEAR CAP, D, SE, E, ENTER DOCK, ENTER BOAT, PRESS GREEN BUTTON, WAIT. When you're at the southern shore, EXIT BOAT, EXIT DOCK, S, W, RIDE CAMEL, E, N, W, E, S, S, SW, SE, SE, NE, you'll be at the Underground Oasis. EXIT CAMEL, FILL LARGE VIAL, POUR LARGE VIAL INTO SMALL VIAL, EMPTY SMALL VIAL, POUR LARGE VIAL INTO SMALL VIAL, FILL LARGE VIAL, POUR LARGE VIAL INTO SMALL VIAL. GET ON CAMEL, SW, NW, NW, NE, N, N, GET OFF CAMEL. ENTER DOCK, ENTER BOAT, PRESS WHITE BUTTON, PRESS YELLOW BUTTON, EXIT BOAT, EXIT DOCK, W, NW, U. Great Hall. GET CUP, E, SE, E, S, D, D, GET LANTERN. EXAMINE AMULET, wait for four eyes to open, ENTER ORACLE, W, SW, SE, E, TURN ON LANTERN, U, E, SE into the cave, GIVE LARGE VIAL TO SICKLY WITCH, DROP SMALL VIAL, NW, W, D, GET ALL, TURN OFF LANTERN, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. U, U, N, W, NW, W, D, D, D, D, D to the Cave Mouth. NE, D, D, W, W, U, DRINK POTION, LISTEN TO FUNGUS. They will talk about a long-lost cousin, write it down. D, E, E, U, U, SW, U, U, U, U, U, to the Great Hall. GET RING and SAPPIRE, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. EXAMINE AMULET, wait until three eyes are open and then ENTER ORACLE. SW, W, N, NW, NW, U, U, U, DRINK POTION, CALL , GET . D, D, D, D, D, D, E, SE, S, WEAR RING, GET SAPPHIRE, REMOVE RING, GET ALL EXCEPT PIGEON, U, N, NW, S, W, CLIMB LADDER. U, OPEN TRUNK WITH KEY, OPEN TRUNK, GET FLY, GET NOTEBOOK, READ NOTEBOOK. Note down the magic word then go D, E, N, SE, S, D, GET PIGEON. DROP LANTERN, U, U, N, W, NW, W to Great Hall again. DROP RING, NOTEBOOK, SAPPHIRE. GET FLY, S, S, S, S, W, U, U, U, U, GET FLY. D, D, D, NE, E, N, N, N, N, Great Hall. D, D, D, D, D, NE, D, D, W, W, U. DROP FUNGUS, ENTER EAR, GET WAX, EXIT, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. GET LANTERN, EXAMINE AMULET, wait until all four eyes are open, ENTER ORACLE, W, SW, SE, E, TURN ON LANTERN, W, NW, GET CLUB, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON, DROP CUP, LANTERN, CLUB. EXAMINE AMULET, wait until two eyes are open, ENTER ORACLE, SW, SW, NW, GET SPYGLASS. Enter: "OTTO, GIVE IT TO ME". N, NE, NE, GET FLY, SW, NW, SW, give all of the flies to Otto and say: "OTTO, GIVE ME THE SPYGLASS". GET SPYGLASS, DROP PIGEON, GET PIGEON. Almost done! GET ALL, U, U, N, W, NW, W to the Great Hall. REMOVE ALL, DROP ALL. You must now put all of the twenty four flathead items in the cauldron of the Banquet Hall. (The SCEPTER, CAP, DIPLOMA, SADDLE, METRONOME, T-SQUARE, SCALE MODEL, EASEL, LANDSCAPE, PEN, LANCE, TIE, CLUB, SPYGLASS, VIOLIN, DUMBBELL, MANUSCRIPT, CROWN, FAN, ZORKMID BILL, STOCK CERTIFICATE, SCREWDRIVER, LANTERN and FLASK.) SAVE. Now utter the magic word (sizzle...), S, W, N, N, NW, NW, NW, NW, NW, NW and you'll be just west of the house. You'll have a maximum score, but more importantly, you'll have completed the game! Good on ya! BMK BMK - o -