Anagram Genius - Part of SynTax Disk 838 An Anagram Creator/Solver Reviewed by James Judge on a 486sx Well all know what anagrams are, don't we? It's when you jumble letters of one (or more) word(s) (or name(s)) to form different words (or names). So, from my full names you can make Jesus (me, the Messiah - naah, I don't exist if that's true (erm... confused myself there nearly)). It's great fun, especially when you get little gems like Deny us males! from our beloved editor's name. Anyway, this program creates them. There's a shareware version that'll give you the chance to create 10 anagrams from a lexicon of 35,000 words. After that you have to progress to the full version for just over œ20 that gets you unlimited anagrams, the chance to print the raw words and all other little bonuses (including another 45,000 word in your lexicon). The program is highly self-explanatory and is damn good. You type in the original text, select whether you want the final offerings to have a male/female/neutral slant, whether they should be satirical, normal or flattering, have a computer, business or political slant, contain vulgar words, words with dropped s (ie "come 'ere"), be formed of American or British English and a whole host of other options. You then click on weed, sit back and let the computer do the rest. After a few minutes the screen will be full of sentences made up from your original input - some will be pure nonsense (ie "nude 'e's 'a's" from Sue's name) but others will (with a little rearranging) be completely usable. And if you are just looking for one word you can go back to the original list of words that the computer derived from your text. All great harmless fun that is easy to use and VERY comprehensive. The only problem is the registration fee - over œ20 for a Windows program that will probably be only be used intermittently. RSUKNAPUWBD (Anyone who can make a 9 lettered English word from the above is a very strange person indeed!) - o -