@~See also Tom's full solution in the Solutions section Night of the Walking Dead - part of PD disk 706 Author: John Olsen Getting Started by Bev Truter on PC Your task is to find your Aunt Bedelia's grave, recover a locket from it, and take the locket back to town to prove your claim as her heir. Starting outside the County Morgue, go N,W to the Autopsy Room. X the cabinet to find a tape recorder, get recorder, X recorder. (There are 4 buttons on it). E,N,W to a Cold Storage Room. Get tape, open recorder, put tape in recorder, push Rewind, push Play to hear a message from the Undertaker about how bodies keep on mysteriously disappearing and moving about....). Then get tape, drop tape, get batteries from recorder (they fall to the floor), get batteries, drop recorder. E,E to Janitor's Room, get flashlight, put batteries in flashlight. W, N to South end of Cemetery, where a knife whizzes past you, and the caretaker staggers and falls in front of you. He's dead! X body, get knife, E,E,N to Anteroom. Pull rope to ring the bell in the Bell Tower to scare the bats away, then U, get key, D, cut rope with knife, get rope. S,E to Main Sanctuary. X the floorboards, break floorboards, light flashlight, D, get flints, U, turn flashlight off. E,U to Organ Loft, X organ to discover it needs fixing - the bellows are split and need to be stapled. Read music (it's a Dirge).D,W,W,W,W, drop flints. N,N to Misty path outside Boathouse. Unlock door, drop key, open door, light flashlight, E, get oars, W. You are hit on the head from behind at this point, and when you regain consciousness, find the flashlight is missing. Do not panic, all will be well...N,E (in boat). Row - you find the boat is tied securely to the Dock, so W, untie rope (you can't, the knot is too tight), E, cut knot, row, you see another Dock to your West. Tie rope to boat (i.e. the rope you cut from the Bell Tower), tie boat. W,N,N (inside Shack). Get garlic, do NOT eat it, S,S,E (in boat), row, drop oars, tie boat, W to Dock. (You needn't lumber yourself with the oars, just drop them in the boat and you can row.) S,S,S,E,E,N,U to Bell Tower. Here you find the body of the Caretaker has appeared, along with the flashlight. Get flashlight, D, drop garlic, S,W,W,N,N,N,E, untie boat, row, tie boat, W,N,N. Light flashlight and go D to the cellar where you find a shovel. Get shovel, U, turn off flashlight. S,W to the dredge. Dig to find a mysterious bottle. X bottle, (it contains a volatile explosive liquid), get bottle, E,S,E, untie boat, row, tie boat, W,S,S,E to the Northeast corner of the Cemetery where the paupers are buried. Dig - you excavate a pine box and a pauper's corpse, and find a lock pick. A graverobber appears and makes off with the shovel. Get pick, S,E,S to the Rectory, X desk to find the stapler, get book, read book (Aha! It shows you how to pick a lock). N,W,W,N,N,N,E. Untie boat, row, tie boat, W,N,N. X closet in the shack - the door is locked - pick lock, open door, N into closet. You find a crystal ball here. Get ball - the wind blows suddenly, and you hear the sound of an organ playing in the distance. X ball - you see something indistinct deep within it... - o -