Kingsley's Mansion - part of PD disk 602 Author: James Nixon Getting Started by Bev Truter on PC Note: You have to continually LOOK and EXAMINE everything for clues, without the benefit of L or X; all very time-consuming. You begin the game lost in a forest, and decide to sleep the night there, when out of nowhere appears a ghostly mansion. You find yourself at a Gateway, where there's a mailbox which reveals a postcard when opened. Read postcard (author's message), N to Front door. Knock, and a lantern falls from a nail above the door. Get lantern - E to SE corner - L - X door, open door. D (Cellar) - X painting, X clown, X eyes, push eyes to open the trapdoor of a secret passageway. Light lantern - go passageway, X stairway to find a book and knife. Get knife, X book (it's Rosa's diary), get diary, read diary. (It tells of Rosa's fears about Dr. Kingsley going insane and murdering his family..). U to Bedroom - X bed (you see a maid's uniform and a book). X book (it's a Bible) - get Bible, read Bible. You can go N to the Bathroom and X the lingerie - it's a bra. S, W to Kitchen. X countertop - X paper - get recipe, read recipe. X stove - X pot - X soup. N - W - S to Foyer. Look - there's a floormat, so wipe your feet or Rosa's ghost will prevent you from entering the Library. N - W to Study - X desk, X papers (there's a sketch of a Time-machine). S to the Library - X cabinet, open drawer, X drawer, get brass key. N - E - N - U to the Top of Staircase. Here Dr. Kingsley confronts you, and prevents you from exploring the Hallway further, and he is not a well person ................. - o -