P L A N 9 F R O M O U T E R S P A C E (Gremlin) A playing guide supplied by John R Barnsley (1) Leave the Producer's Office and walk downstairs and out of the building. Walk down the street to the Hub Cap Bar. (2) Once inside, talk to the woman sitting at the bar; she'll mention the name of the street where Bela used to live. Talk to the Barman and buy the bottle of rum. (3) Go back into the foyer and go upstairs into the Producer's Office; he should have gone by now. Examine his desk and you'll find a key - it's for the Editing Room. (4) Go into his private room and examine the pictures on the back wall. In particular, the one on the far left. You should discover an address on one of them:- Lot 9, Pleasant Rest, Highgate. (5) Then go downstairs and talk to the Doorman. Ask him to call you a cab. Then go outside and climb into the cab. Tell the Cabbie to take you to Lot 9, Pleasant Rest, Highgate. (6) Once you arrive, go into the Cemetery and enter the Crypt. Examine Bela's body to discover a door key and pick up the hammer. (7) Climb back into the cab and go to Vlad Street. Enter the house and go into the Study. (8) Examine the flyer on the table next to the books; it's an advert for the local Mall. Pick up the pictures of Bela also on the table. (9) Examine the trophies hanging up on the back wall. Try pushing the one on the left - a credit card should fall out. (10) Leave the house and take the cab to the Mega-Mall. (11) Press the elevator call button. When the doors open walk inside and go to floor 2. (12) Leave the lift and enter the Lycanthropository. Buy the scary mask. (Pay for everything you buy with the credit card). (13) Examine the mask. You'll find a note and a small key. Read the note. (14) Go to floor 3 and go into Ted's Travel Agents and buy a ticket to Rio. (15) Then go to floor 5 and go into the Hardware Store. Talk to the assistant. Say "Nice day for gathering corn", then buy the spade. (You'll have to examine the tool you want to buy first). Then use the passport with the photocopier and you'll get a copy of your passport photograph. (16) Finally, go to floor 6 and enter the Bank. Talk to the Teller and change some of your money into the currencies of Washington, Brazil, Hong Kong and Australia. Examine the credit card and jot down the number which is scribbled on the back of it; it should be 350143. Hand the key which you found in the scary mask to the Teller. She'll ask you for your safety deposit box number. Select 350143. (530143?). (17) Open the safety deposit box and take the reel of film. Examine it and it should have 'WUN' on it. If you want to watch the reels of film to see what's on, then you can either go to the Editing Room in the Studio or go to any of the projection booths scattered throughout the game. Simply give the guy the film. There's a cinema on floor 4. (18) Leave the Mall and go to the Cemetery for a spot of grave-digging. Walk around the Cemetery until you find a grave with a wooden cross as a headstone with the name 'J.Harris' on it. Use the spade to dig up the grave - you'll need to use the spade three times before you find the second reel of film. This reel should be marked 'OF'. (19) Now go to the Airport. Give the Rep. the ticket and board the plane. Go inside to the cockpit and talk to the pilot (the one on the right). Ask him if he knows a place to stay. Remember his name is Steve Peters. (20) Once you arrive in Rio, jump in the cab and you will be taken to the Hotel. (21) Remember the pilot said he left something behind when he stayed here? Well, examine the registration book to find out which room he stayed in. Then ask for a room. When she asks you which room you want, ask her for the same room that Steve Peters stayed in. (22) Once you've got the room key, go upstairs to your room. Pick up the pilot ID off the table. Examine it to find out his address: 21 Aviation Way, Studio Town. (23) Replace his photograph on his ID with the one of you, the one you got when you used the photocopier with your passport. (24) Then go into the cave at the beach. The bats should take the picture of Bela off you and leave you alone. Pick up the third reel of film, marked 'LO'. (25) Go back to the Airport where a group of not-so-friendly security guards will grab you and take you to the Police Station. (26) Don't bother trying to bribe the guard - it won't work. After the somewhat unfair trial, you'll end up in a Prison Cell. (27) Give the bottle of rum to the Prison Guard and he'll leave the room, giving you the chance to escape. He'll drop a statue before he leaves, so pick it up. If you try hitting it you'll discover that it is hollow; use the hammer on the statue to break it open. You'll find a slimy death-head moth pupa. (28) Once you've escaped, go to the Airport and give the Rep. your ticket. Once you get back home, get a cab to Aviation Way. (29) To get into the house, use the credit card to open the door. Once you are inside, pick up the scuba gear (you'll have to drop some items) and then go into the back garden where you'll find the fourth reel of film marked 'PROPERTY'. (30) Go to the Studio's Storeroom and pick up the love beads. Then take a cab to the Airport. (31) Give the pilot ID to the Rep. and select Australia as your destination, then simply board the plane. (32) Go to the beach and talk to the sexy bather; say "Hi there, nice weather", then ask her if she would like the love beads. She'll say "Yes" and show you a path leading to a hippy commune. (33) Then fly back home and go to the Building Site. Talk to the two men about the hippy commune, then go to the Diner and pick up the balloon. Go back to the Storeroom in the Studio and pick up the dictionary. Fly back to Australia and go to the hippy commune. Talk to the two hippies about Fred and they'll give you a reel of film that he left behind - it's marked 'H.K.' (34) You now have just one more reel of film to find. (35) Go to the bridge and talk to the Painter; you'll walk over to him and slip, falling off the bridge and into the water. Quickly use the scuba gear before you drown. Pick up the crowbar and then use the balloon with the scuba gear and you'll then shoot to the surface. (36) Fly to Hong Kong and have a chat to the Movie Mogul. He'll tell you about the 'netsuke' which has been stolen from him. (37) Fly to Washington and talk to the Chief. He'll send you on an important mission to Cuba. When you are standing on the Wharf, the guard will say something to you; to understand what he is saying, examine the dictionary. After a long chat he'll give you a box of cigars and a poster. (38) Go back to Washington and see the Chief. Give him the box of cigars and the poster. He'll then tell you to go to the Smithsonian Institution. (39) The taxi driver will automatically drive you there. When you arrive, give the slimy pupa to the Curator and then go into the Warehouse. (40) You'll find yourself surrounded by crates. Examine all of them until you find one marked 'O.R.YENTAL, HONG KONG'. (41) Use the crowbar to open the crate and you'll find the 'netsuke' and the last reel of film. (42) Fly back to Hong Kong and give the 'netsuke' to the Movie Mogul. He will then give you an ancient talisman. (43) Go to the border and walk along the wall. A group of Ninjas will jump out and take you to a Monastery. (44) Give the talisman to the monks and they will take you to the 7th State of Nirvana to see the Aliens! Now sit back and watch the end sequence!! - o -