Star Trek : Judgement Rites - Part 2 Solution supplied by Janice Charnley @~Continued from Issue 37 V: VOIDS Nav to Antares Rift. Talk to Spock. Use Spock on computer. Talk to Scottie, Chekov, Sulu and Uhura. Use Spock on computer. Use Uhura on comm console. Use Spock on computer. 1. Alien appears. Talk to Uhura. Use Spock's console (Sulu takes it). Use Sulu on console. Use the turbolift. Go to Auxiliary Control. Use medical tricorder on alien (you get teleported). Use phaser on auxiliary door. Use tricorder on door. Use communicator. Talk to Scottie. 1. Use communicator. Talk to Uhura. Use turbolift to sickbay. Talk to McCoy and exchange sensor scan and gas. Go to Engineering. Use gas on injection system (right wall). Use lift support control and you are teleported to Auxiliary Control. Use Sulu on right control panel (gives Vurian location). Use communicator. Talk to computer. Ask about Vurian. Go to transporter room and get teleported. Use tricorder on Vurian. Use tricorder on red and blue rocks. Talk to Vurian. 1. 2. Talk to Vurian. 3. Talk to Hunan. 1. 1. 1. East. 1. Take pouch. Talk to Savant. 1. 3. 3. Use tricorder on Savant. East. Use medical tricorder on Spock and tricorder on ship. Use medikit on Spock. Use medical tricorder on Spock. Return to Vurian. Use pouch on blue rock pile. Talk to Vurian. 2. Talk to Hunan. 2. Talk to Vurian 1. 1. Talk to Vurian. 2. East. Throw pouch at Savant. 2. 1. VI: MUSEUM PIECE Nav to Nova Atar. Teleport. Examine all exhibits, continuing east to probe room until paged). Examine curator when he falls. Take silver tray and decanter from table. Take cognac from display. Take note from under cognac. Take lance from armor. Use Scottie on controls three times. Use curator's desk twice. Use armor to stop door. East. Use Scottie on laser, getting capacitors. Use Scottie on Niven, getting wires and cable. Use capacitors on generator table, taking them when recharged. Northeast. Use code: VVSOP2123. Talk to Scottie. Southeast. Enter same code. Look at docking ring. 1. Use Scottie on ring, get clamps. Use Scottie on vehicle, get panel. Use capacitor on robot. Get capacitor. Use Scottie on robot, getting wiring. West. Use clamps on table. Use wiring on clamps. Use interface cable on table. Use lance on clamps. Use both capacitors on table. Use Scottie on control table (once the capacitors recharge, firing lance through door). Get both capacitors. Northeast. Take gas canister. Use Scottie on teleporter and communicator. Northeast. Use code again. Use Scottie on probe's access panel. Pick up crystal. Use crystal display. Use Scottie on robot. Use capacitor on robot. 1. Use Scottie on robot (opens panel). Use Scottie on panel. Use decanter on panel. Use Scottie on panel. Use tray on panel. Use capacitor on panel, taking it when recharged. Take tray. Southwest. Use wires on transporter. Use panel on transporter. Use capacitor on transporter. Use Scottie on transporter. Use canister on transporter. Take capacitor. Use crystal on communicator. Use tray on communicator. Use capacitor on communicator. Use communicator. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 2.1. 2. 2. 1. 1. VII: THOUGH THIS BE MADNESS 2. Shields. Weapons. After battle, 2. Nav to Atabis. 2. Talk to Spock. Send message. Lower shields. Teleport. Use medical tricorder on Grinagog, Rabe. Talk to Grinagog. Ask all. Talk to Rabe. South. Talk to Phays. 2. 2. 1. 2 1. 2. Use tricorder on Phays and broken terminal. Use medical tricorder on woman. Use Spock on woman. South. Use tricorder on console and bad plant. East. Use medical tricorder on woman. Talk to woman. 1. Talk to woman again. 2. 2. Use tricorder on food dispenser and "first aid" station. Use food dispenser. Take food. Use medical tricorder on food and "first aid" station. East. Use medical tricorder on King and Jakesey. Talk to King. Use Uhura on King. Talk to King. 2. Use light switch. Use open light panel, obtaining wire and lightbar. Talk to Jakesey. 1. Go to sleep room. Use medical tricorder on Stambob. Talk to Stambob. 2. Examine King. East. Use medical tricorder on Gormagon, Triskin and Rackaback. Talk to all. Take bear. Use Spock on chess. Go to Jakesey and give bear to him. Take blocks. Use tricorder on blocks. Go to garden. Take keg from bad plant. Use keg on console. Use full power phaser on keg, Use medical tricorder on keg. Use blocks on keg. Use full power phaser on keg. Use medical tricorder on keg. Take keg. Use keg on bad plant. Leave room and return twice. Take fruit. East. Give fruit to woman. Go to sleep room. Give fruit to Stambob. Talk to Stambob. 1. 2. 3. 4.1. Take bad food. Return to kitchen. Use bad food on "first aid" station. 2. Use processed food on station. 1. Use medical tricorder on new food. Talk to Moll. Use new food on Moll. Use food processor. Take processed food. Return to play room. Use processed food on Triskin. (Moll enters) Use stun phaser on Rackaback. Talk to Gormagon. Use tricorder on secret entrance. Enter. Use Spock on console. Use lightbar on console. Use lightbar on Klarr. Use lightbar fittings on console then wire. 2. 1. 2. 4. 4. 5. Use tricorder on read-only terminal. Take lens. Use lens on terminal. 1. 2. Talk to all. Use tricorder on passage. Use Spock on Klingon aide. Enter passage. VIII: YET THERE IS METHOD IN IT First Trial: Talk to Klarr. 2. Talk to all. Talk to Brassican. 2. 4. 2. Use Uhura on Brassican. Second Trial: Talk to all (Klarr last) Use McCoy on Brassican. Third Trial: Talk to Spock, Kirk and Klarr, then Kirk again. Use Spock on Brassican. Fourth Trial: Talk to Kirk. 2. 3. 1 Use Klarr on Brassican. 3. Use medical tricorder on Brassican. Talk to Septhi. 2. 3. 1 Use paralense on Klarr. 1. 2. The End - o -