@~Once again, here is the next part of John's solution. Flight of The Amazon Queen - part 2 Solution by John Moore @~Continued from Issue 38 Talk to Mary Lou and notice that she is fed up with her nail file, Jimmy gives you a lecture on sloths. Go back to the crash site and talk to Sparky and ask him for a file, give him the comic and he will give you the file. Get another banana and return to the mission. Talk to Mary Lou until she mentions the English to Pygmy dictionary. Swap the file for the dictionary. Now you can talk to the natives. Go back to the trading post and talk to the witch doctor about a rash cure, he will ask for three ingredients. Ingredients - Enter the jungle and go through the hollow log, vacuum the wasps from the orchid and get the orchid. Go to the mission and swap the banana with the monkey to get the coconut, use your knife on the coconut to get milk. Go to the trading post and give the orchid to Bob, you now have special customer status. Take the net and get the bottle of perfume from the river and give it to Naomi. She will give you her scissors. Go to the sloth and use the flower on him, when he does cross clip some hairs with the scissors. Now give the ingredients, wasps, sloth hairs and milk to the witch doctor to get the rash cure. Bud will pay for the cure. At some stage you must enter the Amazon fortress so why not now. Go east from the hollow log and wait until a warrior enters and try the same thing. Before you leave the prison cell you must have a glove puppet. Accept the rescue mission and return to the trading post. At Bob's buy the record and return to Floda. FLODA Use the record on the phonogram and as it is elevator music an elevator appears. Descend and open the first door, examine the box to get a can opener. In the next corridor you meet a guard Private John. Give him the letter and enter the rooms. Move the filing cabinet to reveal a safe which you can open later. In the other room read the duty roster and note who is on kitchen duty. Wander around the corridors until you reach the fire escape. Go down the fire exit and take the Super Weenie serum, walk up the stairs to find Princess Azura locked in a cell. She will tell you that a guard has the key. In the corridors you will find a room with a desk, tell the guard he is wanted on kitchen duty. When he leaves take the book and use the scissors on it to get the cell key. Go back to the guard Klunk and open the dogfood and use the Super Weenie serum on it. Punch out Klunk's lights and enter the doctor's office. You note indentations on the writing pad and if you were observant up in the foyer a pencil on the secretary's desk. Anyway free the Princess and the scene cuts to the foyer. Get the pencil and use the mannequins to hide behind. When the guard has left try the wall panel, failed. Ask the princess about it and she remembers the sequence. Azura will return to her fortress and you will go back to the Doctor's office and use the pencil on the notepad. Take the safe combination and use it on the safe. Use the padlock key on the box guarded by the dog to get the rocket pack. Now return to the Amazon fortress to get your reward. The Mission for the Crystal Skull. To find the skull you must get the ferryman to take you to Sloth Island, however he is more interested in catching a fish. Remember the big fish jumping at the bug in the jungle, use the net to get the beetle and give it to Charon. He takes you to the hardest section so far. @~The final part will be in the next issue. - o -