AVON - A Shakespearean tragedy of our time - Topologika Played by Neil Shipman The adventure takes place on 3 dates. This is what to do on the first (6th January). Start on Stage (with 10 points). N to Blasted Heath, answer EYE, then GET EYE, S, E, E, GET DAGGER, E, N, GET BASKET, W, N, NE to Enchanted Forest and CUT TREE (15 pts). SW, E to Graveyard and note password (which differs every time) e.g. "Golesida" (referring to Gold, Lead and Silver in a particular order), N, GET WORM. S, W, S, S, W, W, S, SW, W to River Bank and KILL SCOTSMAN (20 pts). GET SHIELD, E, NE, N to Stage, DROP DAGGER, DROP SHIELD. W, NW, W to Lady's Boudoir, OPEN GOLD casket (or whichever came 1st in password) then answer LEAD (or whichever came 2nd) and GET PORTRAIT (24 pts). N, E, KISS STATUE, GET NECKLACE (30 pts). S, SE, E, N, NE to Edge of Ice (Constable cries "Havoc"), N, N, E, N into Church, GET COLLAR, S, W, W, W to Cul-de-Sac where Moor leaves Letter (37 pts). Note position of repeated letters in word (differs every time), e.g. "Standard" where "a" appears at posns 3 & 6 and "d" at 5 & 8. E, S to Lake and note word said by Spirit (differs every time, e.g. "Brandy" (45 pts). N, E, S, SE to Edge of Vasty Deep and call spirits by saying this, BRANDY, GET TOPAZ (49 pts). DROP COLLAR, NW, N, E, E, E to Illyria Cort, Note posn of repeated letters in names and go in direction where these correspond with Moor's Letters e.g. "Malvolio" (where "1" is at posns 3 & 6 and "o" at 5 & 8) is S, GET VIOLA (53 pts). Then W, N, E to Baker's, GET BREAD, EAT BREAD, W, S, W, W, N into Inn, answer YES, GET TROPHY (57 pts). OPEN BASKET, YES, PORTRAIT, YES, NECKLACE, YES, TOPAZ, YES, VIOLA, YES, TROPHY, NO, NO, GET BASKET (107 pts). W, N, SHAKE SPEAR (112 pts) and N to Cellar. Note writing on wall which gives anagram of name of one of King Lear's daughters, e.g. "Goneril", GET AGATE (116 pts). S, S, E, E, E, N, N, W into Palace and answer with name, GONERIL, GET ROBE (120 pts). Then E to Farm, say HAVOC and GET TOUCHSTONE (124 pts). N into Maze of Mountain Paths with exits always ne, nw and s. Go NE - If Cassandra appears then retreat S and go NW - and continue like this until you find the Iliad, then GET ILIAD (138 pts). OPEN BASKET, YES, AGATE, YES, ROBE, YES, TOUCHSTONE, YES, ILIAD, NO, NO, GET BASKET (178 pts). S, S, S, S, S, S to Edge of Town, S, S, W, S and look at sign at Gaol entrance. Then N, W and S when you're arrested and put in Gaol. Sing ARNE to get out (188 pts), GET ALL, S, SW, S, W, SW to Friar's Cell. Then GET POTION, DRINK POTION to take you on to the next date (March 15th) ..... GET BASKET, NE, E, N to Blasted Heath, answer TOE, GET TOE, EAT TOE, S, W, W into Kitchen and note Mistress's name (differs every time) e.g. "Legosind" (198 pts). OPEN BASKET, NO, YES, YES to be thrown in river and get out at Waterfall. N, GET BASKET, NE, N, W, NW, W to Lady's Boudoir, OPEN LEAD casket (or whichever came 1st in name) then answer GOLD (or whichever came 2nd and GET RING (202 pts). E, SE, E, E, E, N, E, E, S to Moor of Venice, GET PIE. Try to go SE, say FATHOM, SE into Hovel and GET GOBLET (211 pts). Then NW, N, W, W, S, W, W, W, SW to Cell, GET POTION and DRINK POTION to take you on to the final date (June 24th).... INV shows there's blood on your hands, GET ALL, NE, E, E, E, N, N, NW to Mystic Wood where an ass's head is put on you. Then SE, E, GET SKULL, EAT GRASS, E to Chapel and GET PEARL (215 pts). W, W, W, S, S, E, S to Bosworth Field where King takes head and leaves crown, GET CROWN (219 pts). OPEN BASKET, YES, CROWN, YES, PEARL, YES, GOBLET, NO, NO, GET BASKET (249 pts). N, N, E, E to Capitol and note name of Orator (differs every time e.g. "Silegonius", GET SCROLL (252 pts). W, W, S, W, W, W, N to Blasted Heath, answer YES, GET WOOL, GET TONGUE. Then S, S, SW, S, SE to Undiscovered Country. READ SCROLL and go in direction mentioned (this can include directions like back and nnw) . Repeat until you find Imogen, then GET BRACELET (265 pts). READ SCROLL and go in direction mentioned to get to Waterfall, DROP SCROLL, WASH HANDS, DROP TONGUE. N, NE, N, W, NW, W to Lady's Boudoir, OPEN SILVER casket (or whichever came 1st in name) then answer LEAD (or whichever came 2nd) and GET STOCKINGS (269 pts). You'll soon be getting warm, so E, SE, E, S, SW to River Bank and WASH. NE, N, W, NW, W, N to Dining Hall, SIT, then follow ghost NE to Birnham Wood. This is a maze which can be mapped by dropping objects, but is the same in every game. E, NE, N, NW to milestone and WAIT for trees to part. SW, W, SW, SE to post and WAIT for trees to part. Then NE, N, E, WAIT for path to appear and go SW to Centre of Wood (283 pts). S to Dunsinnin and GET SCEPTRE (287 pts), U, S and JUMP to return to Stage. DROP WOOL, GET SHIELD, E, E, E, N, E, E, SE to Town Centre, DROP SHIELD, S, E to Shop, and GET VASE (291 pts). Then W, S, answer YES to get ducats from Moneylender (295 pts), S to Barge, EMPTY VASE then U (296 pts). SW, GET CAGE, NE, SE, then WAIT until large chest bobs at your feet, OPEN CHEST and GET SPICES (300 pts) then wait until small chest is washed up, GET CHEST. If starling hasn't yet said "Mortimer" then wait until it does. Then OPEN CAGE, NW, S, D to Hold and GET SHREW (307 pts). OPEN BASKET, YES, CAGE, YES, SPICES, YES, DUCATS, YES, VASE, YES, SCEPTRE, YES, BRACELET, NO, NO, GET BASKET (358 pts). Then U, U, N (Moneylender takes pie) N, GET SHIELD, E to Eastern Fringe of Town, DROP SHIELD, GET ARROW. N to Forest of Arden, the path through which is marked by "Rosalind" signs. Go in any direction and if this takes you to another sign make a note of it and move again. If you get lost then move at random until you return to the Eastern Fringe. Then retrace your successful route to where you got lost and try a different direction. Carry on like this until you eventually reach the Clearing, then say MORTIMER to wake man (368 pts). Remember the name he tells you (differs every time) e.g. "Scroop" and move at random until you return to the Eastern Fringe (373 pts). E into Drooping Fog then move in any direction to be led to top of cliff, JUMP and GET BOW (380 pts). E, answer XXXX which can be any name you like), SHOOT ARROW, DROP BOW, S, GET PORPENTINE, N, E into Tavern, say SCROOP (or whatever name Mortimer told you) to have chest opened and get sapphire (384 pts). E, GET BLADDER, E (Portia sees ring) to Outside Palace (391 pts). N, NW, N, NE through Network of Streets and GET CHAIN (395 pts). BURST BLADDER to distract Goldsmith (400 pts), then SE, S, SW, S and THROW PORPENTINE at Watchman to enter Palace, receive congratulations and return to 20th Century (450 pts). - o -