Bloodnet - MicroProse Original RRP œ35.99 (PC CD-ROM game - Cert 18) Reviewed by Dave Stone A 5 star hit. MicroProse know how it should be done (and it's becoming available at a budget price). New York, 100 years hence, and you are slowly turning into a vampire. You must drink blood to survive, while investigating and defeating the evil Vampire Lord. RPG style combat combines with puzzles, well written dialogue, believable characters, eerie music and atmospheric 3D artwork to produce a fascinating and original entertainment. The depth is enhanced by the generation of character skills, the wide range of weapons and the drug mixing possibilities. Unusually in an adventure a large number of 'real world' locations are immediately available, and you gradually discover the passwords to locations in 'virtual space'. This area, with its own dangers, allows further interaction with other 'virtual explorers'. Party formation allows you to interview potential candidates, and there are some fascinating characters to interact with. Although I have only sampled the early part of the game it seems to be held together by a believable and coherent logic which is distinctly non linear. You can almost smell the blood and feel the fear. The speech is well acted and brings the attractively drawn characters alive. Overall the effect is better than many of the FMV interactive movies. Not to be missed. A refreshing change from the mass of 'cute and comic' adventures. Overall - 95% Tech Note - 386DX40 - 4MB. Installation - Easy - Min spec 2MB 16MZ 386. Sound - Some speech unclear - requiring use of text option. Bugs - Tendency to hang sometimes - o -