Conquest - author Ralph Effemy A STOS game (ST only) available from SynTax on Disk 489 Reviewed by James Judge on an STe Ahhh, what it would be to be a king. Food, relaxation, endless fun, riches, wealth and all the other things associated with kings (or queens). Well, if that's your idea of a king's life, especially in Conquest, think again! You get barely a moment's rest from battling internal and external problems (droughts, invading armies and a most bothersome inventor). Conquest is a STOS game that looks nothing like one, if you get my meaning. It is, unlike most STOS games, a strategy wargame with you playing the part of a king who has got to survive a year in his land. You start off by naming your king and then selecting a level to play on - either the first level if you lack any level codes or you can type in the name of a higher land and then start the game from there. Once you have selected your level you are presented with a very nice 3D map of the land which shows all the settlements you own and can conquer as well as the terrain - mountainous, desert, grass or woodland. As I said, you must survive a whole year in this land using tactics and a great deal of skill (and luck for most of us). You start off in Spring and, ten minutes into the game, you will be wishing it was Spring next year. The game is controlled by a whole host of icons to the top of the screen ranging from the latest inventions to the birth and death rates from last month. To access the icons you need the obligatory mouse (squeak). The first thing you will notice about the game is how hard it is. During my first two or three goes I was always presented with the message that my citizens were starving and there was a deadly plague running riot around the land - cue end of game message. This can be stopped by buying in more food or slaughtering the livestock but remember you only have a limited number of the cows so use them sparingly. You can also plant crops but you can't harvest them till later in the game. Other aspects of the game involve, as the title suggests, the conquering of other lands. You can send out skirmishers or launch a full blown attack using your army (which, by the way, you need to train). It is best though to get some inside info about the place you will attack so you should send off your spies (which, incidentally, you must have also trained (aaagh)). Once you've attacked an enemy, and won, you should now have access to bigger sources of food, timber (for building boats and defences around your towns) as well as foolhardy men to join your army. But extra settlements also mean more mouths to feed and keep happy - nothing's ever easy, is it? This goes on and on until you either lose all your subjects (sniff) or you last a full year and then you can go onto the next level which is more of the same but harder. This may sound A-okay but it isn't. It gets quite monotonous doing really the same old thing time and time again and, when seeing your imminent demise, you can't save yourself - food you buy or cows you slaughter never seem to be added to your food stocks fast enough. About the only good thing is the graphics which are of a very high standard with the odd animated sequences - birds flying across the screen and smoke belching from chimneys. Overall not a good game. The author (Ralph Effemy) is asking a fiver for it which I think is quite over the top - give me Caesar any day. But, if you do like this game you can choose another one of Ralph's programs either a paint package, a spirograph thing or four STOS starter packages all programmed in STOS. A worthy effort but not quite up to the mark. Sorry Ralph. - o -