Dungeon Master 2 - the ending (again) Supplied by Paul Coppins via Richard Hewison @~Several SynTax readers were stuck trying to defeat Dragoth at @~the end of DM2. The help I'd put in last issue hadn't been @~enough so I asked Richard to talk to Paul who was the only @~person I knew who had completed it. This is the help that @~Richard rang through to me ... Sue The tip in last issue was okay but it's easier to use spells. You need to cast lots of fireball spells close to Dragoth. If you're further away, he will use the mirror spell to reflect them back at you. Also use bomb potions (red). Keep moving and throwing spells and potions at him from close range, and do the same with his minions. Keep firing until you're almost dead, then drop off the cloud. Regenerate your HP and go back up. You'll find he won't have regenerated HIS HP. @~I passed this info to Alex, he tried it and said it worked @~great. He tells me Dragoth has about 1500 HP and it took 5 or 6 @~regenerations to kill him ... Sue - o -