Hampton Manor - part of SynTax disk PD 600 Author: Art LaFrana Solution by Bev Truter on PC You begin the adventure outside the gate to Hampton Manor. Read the manuscript you've written to get an idea of how good an author you are. N-E-N-N-N to the Arbor. Get chair. N-N-E to the shed, and get the wrench. W-S-S-S-E-S-W-W-N to the base of a large willow tree. Drop chair, Up to the top branches, get key. D-S-E-N to the Front Porch. Unlock door with key, N-N-E-N to the Library. Open drawer and get Ruby. W-W-S to Pantry, get the lamp and the jar of honey. (The lamp cannot be turned on, and is unnecessary for dark areas, but what adventurer wants to be without a lamp?) N-D-E to the warm room with the mirror - Do not touch the mirror yet, or linger here too long! Go South to the damp room with the valve. Turn valve with wrench, and you hear the sound of water flowing in the pipes. N-W-U-E-S-S-S-S-W to the SW corner of the yard. Water is flowing from the fountain in a weak stream, and the object you saw jammed in the spout has fallen to the ground - it was a skeleton key. Get key. E-N-N-N-U-N to the Centre Hallway, where a painting hangs on the wall ... - o -