The Obscure Naturalist - Part 1(b) Cracked, completed and mapped by Shebo @~Continued from Issue 38 -STAND -NORTH EAST -UP -WEST -CLIMB STILE -WEST -NORTH -NORTH WEST -SOUTH WEST SOUTH -EAST -EAST -EAST -CROSS BRIDGE QUIETLY (if you don't cross quietly the bridge will fall down. Do this later on in the game) -NORTH -WEST -SAY WHAT BAIT DO YOU USE -SAY SALMON AT SLIPPERY FALLS -EXAMINE BAIT (it's pink, clue) -GET CLUE -WEST -WAVE CLUE (Anneka Rice lands in a balloon!) -CLIMB LADDER (you're dropped off near the Great Lawn) -DOWN -NORTH -SOUTH EAST -EAST -SAY GIVE FISH (some ducks give you a fish) -GET SALMON -WEST -NORTH -NORTH EAST -CLIMB STEP -NORTH -EXAMINE TABLE -OPEN DRAWER -EXAMINE WORKTOP -EXAMINE COOKER -OPEN TUB -POUR OIL IN PAN -GET CHIPS -PUT CHIPS IN PAN -PUT FISH IN PAN -LIGHT SPILL IN FIRE -LIGHT COOKER WITH SPILL (to cook the fish and chips) -GET FISH -GET CHIPS -PUT FISH IN NEWSPAPER -PUT CHIPS IN NEWSPAPER -GET JAR -PUT VINEGAR ON CHIPS -SOUTH -DOWN -EAT FISH AND CHIPS (to get a bone to give to a dog) -DROP TUB -DROP JAR -SOUTH EAST -SOUTH EAST -SOUTH EAST -SOUTH -EAST -CLIMB STILE -SOUTH -DROP CAMERA -SHOW DOG BONE (it will now allow you through the gate) -OPEN GATE -S -GIVE DOG BONE (to keep it sweet) -SOUTH -EXAMINE TABLE -GET SWORD -GET GLASS (it contains a mixture that seems to be cognac. Can be used to fix photographs, though) -SOUTH -EXAMINE CURTAINS -CLOSE CURTAINS -EXAMINE DESK -OPEN LID -GET PHOTOGRAPH -NORTH -GET BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHY -READ BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHY -FIXERS (to learn how to fix the photo) -POUR GLASS OVER PHOTO (to fix it) -DROP BOOK -DROP GLASS (it smashes, but bonus points time coming up!) -GET BROKEN GLASS -NORTH -DROP KEY -GET CAMERA -NORTH -CLIMB STILE -WEST -NORTH -NORTH WEST -SOUTH WEST -SOUTH -EAST -EAST -EAST -PUT NEWSPAPER IN BIN (for five bonus points) -EAST -CLIMB STILE -NORTH -NORTH WEST -GET BOOK -OPEN IT (you now lose it, but it triggers something else off in the game) -SOUTH EAST -SOUTH -CLIMB WEST STILE -WEST -CROSS BRIDGE QUIETLY -NORTH -WEST -GET BREAD -CLIMB STEPS -SOUTH -CROSS BRIDGE QUIETLY -EAST -CLIMB STILE -NORTH -GIVE BREAD TO GOOSE (otherwise you can't go north) -NORTH -EXAMINE COTTAGE -KNOCK KNOCKER -GIVE PHOTO TO JOSEPHINE (you can now get her some Sweet Williams) -SOUTH -SOUTH -CLIMB EAST STILE -EAST -GET SWEET WILLIAMS -WEST -CLIMB STILE -NORTH -NORTH -KNOCK KNOCKER -GIVE SWEET WILLIAMS TO JOSEPHINE (you now get some shades) -SOUTH -SOUTH -CLIMB WEST STILE -WEST -WEST -WEST -WEAR GLASSES (allows you to see message left by catfish) -EXAMINE UNDER BRIDGE -REMOVE GLASSES (now you can see) -EXAMINE UNDER BRIDGE -GET WATCH -WEAR WATCH -WEST -NORTH -NORTH WEST -WEST -WEST -EXAMINE CONTAINER (it's an ornate bin) -PUT GLASS IN BIN (more bonus points!!) -EXAMINE CLOCK -EXAMINE WATCH -MOVE HANDS TO TWO O CLOCK (the door springs open) -EXAMINE DOOR -DROP GLASSES -GET CURVING KEY -EAST -EAST -SOUTH EAST -NORTH EAST -SOUTH EAST -DROP SHOVEL -EAST -SOUTH -UNLOCK DOOR WITH KEY -EXAMINE HOLE -GET PADDLE -NORTH -WEST -NORTH WEST -SOUTH WEST -SOUTH -EAST -EAST -EAST -NORTH (the bridge breaks and you fall into the water) -JUMP (a log heads towards you but you now jump onto the back of it, to be carried downstream to Beak In Your Ear) -GET ALL -STAND -SOUTH EAST -NORTH -NORTH -EXAMINE GATE (it has a catch) -LIFT CATCH (you break it) -OPEN GATE -EAST -CLOSE GATE (following the country code) -EAST -NORTH -NORTH WEST -WEST -NORTH WEST -WEST -EXAMINE COUNTER -RING BELL -READ SIGN (you learn that to get a permit you need two pheasants) -EAST -SOUTH EAST -SOUTH EAST -SOUTH -SOUTH -OPEN DOOR -WEST -CLOSE DOOR (you win the game of drafts/draughts) -SAY HELLO (then type in your name) -SAY YORK MINSTER (which you see from the Pepper Pot then type in yes) -OPEN DOOR -EAST -PUT CAMERA IN RUCKSACK -DROP KEY -GET PHEASANTS -NORTH -NORTH -NORTH WEST -NORTH WEST -WEST -PUT PHEASANTS ON COUNTER -GET LETTER -EAST -SOUTH EAST -NORTH EAST -SOUTH EAST -NORTH -NORTH -OPEN BOX -EXAMINE BOX -GET MAP -SOUTH -SOUTH -SOUTH WEST -SOUTH -SOUTH WEST -GET COIN -RUB IT (it turns into a compass) -WEST Right, that's the first part finished. to get any further you need to register part one to Peter. Go on, you know it makes sense. The only items you need to carry to part two are specified on the 'other side' of the map. The list is: A weapon (the sword) A striking pair of twins (the flints) A music box (the tape player) A compass (the coin/compass) You may take other things with you, of course... There are two other sets of bonus points on offer. Get the coin at Morley Dam while holding the broken binoculars to get some tadpoles. Pour them into the dam for five points. Also take the starling chick to the nest on top of the sign post outside Boney Cottage for another five points. @~To be continued next issue. See also Shebo's map in Issue 37 @~... Sue - o -