SynWin version 2.1a Details from Alex van Kaam Installing: Just copy it over version 2.1, both have the same filename. Changes/Upgrades: - Main form now has a minimize and maximize button. - Viewing a picture in a higher resolution and pressing maximize will make the picture fill the whole screen. - When reading a text file you can press Page Up & Page Down to scroll. - When reading a text file you can drag the scroll bar and the text will scroll with it whilst you are dragging the scroll bar. - When reading a text file you can press ESC to go back. - When pressing the about button you will have the option to see a little info screen about SynWin and your Printer, it will show you if the necessary fonts are installed and if they are usable. - When pressing the change issue button and you read SynTax from your hard drive the drive selection box will stay on the last used drive, so if you have SynTax on your D: drive you don't have to switch from the default C: drive to your D: drive. (well the switching irritated me so....) Thanks go to: James Judge, The Grue and Neil Shipman for calling to say they liked it WITHOUT some silly question. Solutions: Some of you may have had a very small font reading text files, and because of this a very large open space to the right of the text, I had the same problem when I ran SynWin in Windows 95 for the first time, the solution was installing the Terminal font again. If you do not have the Terminal font installed SynWin will try to make one up, this selfmade font is more a drawn font than a letter font, MerC called Sue with this problem and Sue told him to reinstall the font, we didn't hear from him again so we assume it worked for MerC. @~Please let us know if you have any problems with SynWin; let me @~know exactly what the problem is, and tell me what info you get @~when you press the 'About' button. I'll pass it all on to Alex @~... Sue - o -