Curses A part solution cum plea for help from Theo Clarke I am stuck on the review of the game, writes Theo, and enclose my map and other notes. Can anybody move me further on? The author's address is given as Oxford University which is rather too vague for the Royal Mail! Potting Room - Aunt Jemima's Lair - Old Winery - Storage Room | | | Airing Cupboard Attic - Servant's Room | Old Furniture Chimney - Inside Cupboard | Dark Room - Over the East Wing - East Annexe | | Library Storage - Disused Observatory Dead End | Souvenirs Room --- Consulting Room up/down to Shadowy Hallway - Bohemia | Down by River - Unreal City - Near Ring Road Item Room Location Notes/Synonym ---- ---- -------- ------------- Key Old Winery Under floorboards Battery Old Winery In demijohn Map Old Winery In demijohn Demijohn Old Winery Holds battery & map Wireless Airing Cupboard Under sheets Need to be plugged in? Gloves Potting Room To open demijohn? Wrench Storage Room Tighten pipe/joint to get poetry Item Room Location Notes/Synonym ---- ---- -------- ------------- Dumbwaiter Storage Room Book Servant's Room Classical dictionary Scarf Servant's Room Photo Darkroom Cord Darkroom Turns safe light on/off Flash Darkroom Needs a battery & timer Crank Inside Opens skylight cupboard Gas mask Inside cupboard Painting Inside Hides chimney cupboard Rucksack Dead End Increases carry capacity Item Room Location Notes/Synonym ---- ---- -------- ------------- Ball Disused Polish ball & look at Observatory ball Novel Library Supporting Tighten pipe with Storage pipe wrench Projector Souvenirs Room Poetry Library Storage Transport to Unreal City Handkerchief Down by River Poster Shadowy Hallway Biscuit Inventory Bird Whistle Old Furniture In Scratched Cupboard Parcel Old Furniture In Scratched Cupboard Medicine Old Furniture In Scratched Contains antidote bottle Cupboard Antidote Old Furniture In Medicine Bottle Item Room Location Notes/Synonym ---- ---- -------- ------------- Stick Chimney Bell Push Consulting Room Summons Tarot Reader Fool Consulting Room Tarot Card Sailor Consulting Room Tarot Card Reaper Consulting Room Tarot Card Outstanding Questions What should I give to Aunt Jemima (in the Potting Shed)? She does not want the biscuit or the parcel. How can I move the wireless? How can I get it to work? How can I reach the wheel from the dumbwaiter (so that I can travel in the shaft)? The scarf is no help. What about the stick? How can I get past the East Annexe without exhausting the torch battery? Where is the timer for the flash? Where is the battery for the flash? Where is the slide for the projector? How can I get through the curtain to the west of the Consulting Room? How do I call Phlebas, the tourist boat? Phlebas was a classical navigator. In the ball I have seen a crypt, a typist's room, the Hall gardens, a marble palace and several dream scenes. How can I get to them? The mural in Bohemia changes. Is this significant? If you can help, please contact Theo at 98 Choumert Road, London SE15 4AX. Tel: 0171 732 8028. Fax 0171 358 1613. Compuserve: 100015,225 - o -