Drearcliff Manor Some early help from Richard Batey 1. Climb the tree in the southwest corner of the grounds to find a sapphire egg. 2. Once you have found the gun, shoot direction (ie N, E, S, W) to kill or scare your attacker. 3. Open the cupboard found in the kitchen to find the dumb-waiter. 4. Open the desk drawer in the study to find extra bullets. 5. The brass key opens a locked door to a room that contains a valuable sculpture. 6. Find the old man on the second floor and just 'Take lamp' from him. You can take any object that he carries if you so wish. 7. The map is in the closet in the pantry. 8. Push the wall in the basement and in the laboratory. You can also push the bookcase in the passage, the box in the attic and desk in the bedroom. 9. Go down the hole in the attic and then you can unlock the door on the second floor. 10. Inside the trunk is a set of filthy clothes which on close inspection contains a ruby pendant. 11. Let the old man find the dead woman. He will die of fright letting you get the gold ring in safety. 12. Take the chair found in the bedroom with the hole in the floor. If you then follow the passages in the basement, you will eventually fall into a room which contains the opals. You can then drop the chair and safely climb back through the hole. 13. There is one bedroom where the door will slam shut on you. There is no way out so you will have to restore the game. 14. The piggy bank contains rare coins. 15. Drop the philosopher's stone on the veranda at the back of the maze and a hole in the wall should appear. If you have read the map then you will know what directions you should take. Once you get there, dig with the shovel to find a chest full of $20 bills. 16. To pass the dog, wear the gold ring as this will make you invisible for a short time. The room appears to contain only dog food so no wonder the dog is guarding it so ferociously! - o -