I Rescued ELVIS From Communist Alien Jerks ------------------------------------------ Amiga game, author: Robert Sedler Solution: Philip Richmond. Start in cornfield near pickup truck. Enter pickup truck; read big sign; sit on cot; take piece of cot; smash mirror; exam mirror; n(examination room); search alien; take uniform; put on uniform; e(computer room) talk to computer; n; talk to huge guard; take hall pass; n(engine room); exam laser cabinet; w; n; n(front of bridge); sit on chair; take fuzzy dice; s; search security station; search operations station; push laser button; take security pass; s(turbolift); push up button; n; exam map table; w(bunks). Exam plaque; talk to crew; use fuzzy dice; s; sit on toilet; take #2 key; n; e; n(turbolift); push down button; push down button(again); n(main hall); exam main hall sign; use #2 key; e; s(transporter booth); examine buttons; push red button(observation deck); take justa key; s; s; push down button; n; use justa key; w; s; search shelves (3 times); take hockey stick; n; e; s; push up button; n; e; s(trophy room); search trophy case; take trophy on case; take bowling trophy; exam bowling trophy; n; w; s; push down button; n(central hall); e(engine room); use laser beam; take #1 key; w; s; push down button; n; use #1 key; w(cargo bay 1). Search pickup truck; take country tape; s(trash area); search pile of garbage; take newspaper; examine newspaper; n; e; s; push up button; n; e; s; s; w; w(hostage area); talk to elvis; take royal key; e; e; n; n; w; w(weapon room); open locked cabinet; search open cabinet; take shrink ray; e; e; s; s; w; w; use shrink ray; take tiny elvis; e; e; n; n; w; s(turbolift); push down button; n; e; s(transporter booth); push green button(escape pod); pull control lever(Graceland Tenn.); open back door. END OF GAME - 100/100! - o -