MERLIN'S MAGIC FOREST. A Text Adventure Game on Syntax Disk 718. Submitted by Tom Lorimer. Let's start by going West, Examine Merlin, Take Wand, Take Parchment, Read Parchment, East, East, Examine Tree, Climb Tree, Take Vial, Down, North, North, East, West, South, North, Take Pink Mushroom, Examine Wall, South, West, North, East, North, Take Sword, South, West, West, South, South, South, Examine Ghost, Say Sador, Take Medallion, Wear Medallion, East, Examine Stones, Take Mold, West, North, North, North, North, East, West, South. Wave Wand, East, North, North, Kill Gremlin with Sword, North, West, North, North, Examine Drawings, Take Stalactite, South, Throw Stalactite at Bats, Take Bat, Take Stalactite, South, East, North, Down, Drink Vial, Take Web, Take Web, Up, South, South, South, Take Blue Mushrooms, South, South, Eat Blue Mushrooms, South, Kill Rat with Stalactite, Take Rat, North, North, West, West, West, South, West, West, Drop Mold in Cauldron, Drop Pink Mushroom in Cauldron, Drop Bat in Cauldron, Drop Web in Cauldron, Cut Rat with Sword, Stir Cauldron with Wand, Say Merlin. The End. - o -