Nectar of the Gods - part of SynTax disk PD 522 Author: Douglas Rogers Solution by Bev Truter on PC In Hotel Bedroom. Open suitcase, get wallet, book and flashlight. X wallet (contains 500 drachmas), X book (a Greek/English phrasebook, handy for translating). N, light flashlight, W to top of a dark staircase, D to a deserted Lobby. S-S where you find yourself in a taxi, the driver asking where you want to go (in one word). Say "Bazaar", although this trip does not seem essential to complete the game. N-S to the Bookseller, where you see an ancient scroll, which can be read without buying it. (Gives a clue about travelling to another time...). S to the Antique dealer, where you can buy an urn and a spear if you wish. N-N-N to taxi, say "Acropolis". At Acropolis in Taxi. N-S-S-E to an overgrown garden, where you find a single rose. Get rose, W to the Sanctuary of Aphrodite, X statue (you see a garland of roses at her feet). Put rose on statue to reveal a passage to the west. W to Dark Chamber and a brackish stream flowing through it. Drink water (it tastes awful) and you are magically transported back in time to Ancient Greece. In Love Chamber of Aphrodite. E-N-N-N-N-W-W-W to the Bazaar, S-E to the Seer. If you "ask Seer" you are given a clue as to where 2 treasures can be found (one in the depths of the sea, the other up high...). S to Cloth seller, buy cloth, W to Socrates, where you can "ask Socrates" about 3 topics - Love, Slaves and Gods. W to Slave Market, buy slave (she's now dressed in the white silk and will follow you). N-N-E-N-N to shrine of Aphrodite. X bushes to discover a path to the West, and "pray" in any location if you need help/clues. N-E to Neptune's shrine. X statue, read inscription, "pray" and you see a huge conch shell in the shape of a horn. Blow conch to change yourself into a Merman, N-W-N to Neptune's Castle under the sea. In Castle. E then save game here if you want to get killed and explore the Netherworld. E to the Kraken's Lair. You die and go to the West shore of the River Styx. Dig, get coin, E to boat. Give coin to Charon and he rows you to the Far shore, outside the gates of the Underworld. S to the beach of Rebirth where you are born again into the world, W to your Hotel Bedroom. Restore game. (In Throne Room of Castle). S to the Treasure Room, get Helmet and Gold, N-W-S-S-S to the Shrine. Blow conch to revert back to your human form, W-S-W-W-U-U to the Top of Mt. Olympus. On Mt. Olympus. If you bought the spear and urn, drop them here, or earlier in the game, as the "drop" command seems to work rather erratically once in the Palace. S-S to the Throne Room of the Gods, where all the Gods are assembled. When Zeus asks what you have come to the Palace for, answer "to drink Nectar", and he replies he needs something from you first. Give helmet to Zeus, and all the Gods disappear, permitting you to search the Palace. W to Wine Cellar, get Nectar, U-E-E for a panoramic view of the countryside from Hera's Balcony. W-W-N-N-D-D-E-E-S-S to the Gates, E-E-E. (In the Pool). The magical water here gives you and the Slave protection, so make sure she's with you before entering the pool. W-S, (you are both protected now from the Serpent), S-S-S-W to the Love Chamber. The Endgame. First "give Nectar" to slave - nothing appears to happen, but presumably she takes a swig of it, then "drink Nectar" (you are both now immortal). Finally, "make love" and you are both returned down the River of Time to your own era, where you (literally, I suppose) live happily ever after. Congratulations, you got the Girl, the Gold and Immortality! - o -