Zut Alors! II - part of SynTax Disk 783 (Text adventure for Amiga only) Reviewed by David Froude Zut Alors! 2 is a text only adventure produced by Brian Asbury and is the sequel to Zut Alors. The game has been created using the Hatrack II Adventure Generator from Heyley Software. In the game you play the part of Cyrano de Bergerbar, a young Gascon swordsman, a member of the legendary King's Musketeers. This tale commences a few months after the previous adventure Zut Alors. He has found lodgings near the Musketeers' headquarters and has acquired a dim but loyal servant named LePlank. At the beginning you are handed a note which leads to visiting your Colonel. The task he sets you is to ........., but that's part of the tale. The text is written in partially fractured English, for example "You are standing in ze vestibule of your lodging 'ouse off ze ..............", this can add to or detract from the game depending on your current disposition. I found it a little offputting at first but when you get into the spirit of the game it provides the right atmosphere. The text inputs are normal, i.e. direction - N, S, E, W, SW, U and so on, L(ook) etc and for these basic commands a Compass is provided for mouse action. This is I believe a feature unique to the Hatrack Generator and can be quite useful when retracing a well beaten path. Words inputted on the keyboard must be two word commands like 'get something' but the parser can also handle longer descriptive actions like 'take the note, go north, pick up the bag of money'. It pays to be polite and chivalrous when wandering around but always keep your sword handy for not everyone you meet is trustworthy. Beware of thieves! All in all it's an enjoyable game and provided you are in tune with and enjoy text only adventures you should like it too. However it's a pity that the Hatrack Adventure Generator did not go one step further and make provision for graphics. However, even still graphics may now be considered to be dated when compared to the point and click graphic adventures. - o -