@~I've had 3 solutions - from Arnie, Alison Dunbar and Phil Darke @~- sent through so far for this popular game. This issue I am @~including a 'getting started' from Arnie's solution since his @~was the first to arrive. Next issue I will start serialising the @~solutions from all three contributors. The Dig - Getting Started by ARNIE In orbit use the communicator on miles to release the pig, click on it and take it to the surface. Get everything from the pig and place the charges in quadrants 2 and 3. Use the shovel on the rock and the digger on the dirt then arm the devices and head for the shuttle. Click on the devices to activate the cut scene and return to the surface. Once in the tunnel use the digger on the projections until you see 4 plates. Push them all and enter via the large opening. Pick up the plates and place them in the pedestal. THE SURFACE Check out the three locations, in the wreck pull the wire and open the chest to get the tracking device. Pick up the engraved rod and head for the grave. Once there take the tusk and the jawbone, next head for the dirt mound and use the tracker to find the bracelet. Now back to the platform where a ghost will appear and point to the spot where you dig. NEXUS Pick up the purple rod and the plate then explore all the available locations. To get any further you have to replace the lens in the slot by programming the light device. It may not be the only way but I used 4 purple, 7 yellow, 1 blue and 1 red to pick up the lens. Now clear the screen and use 5 purple, 4 blue and 1 red to replace it in the slot. Get the blue crystal and go to the first door to the left of the ramp. The rods are the keys to many things so examine the purple one and set the door symbols to the same. Voila one impressive door opening. Inside all the doors are tram call buttons so push it. This tram takes you to the museum and library and will henceforth be known as the museum tram. Try to open the weakened door so you know you need help. The ruined door plays no part in the game so don't waste time on it. Go outside and up, at the strange device adjust the lens and click on the switch holding down the mouse button until the line makes contact with the centre. This produces a light bridge. The same method is used on all 5 bridges. Enter the museum and get the life crystals and the engraved tablet, look at all the displays to get a hint on some future problems. Pick up the red rod and talk to Maggie in the library. Down to the water and examine it to see a cave below. The fossil is useful later but for now get the tram back to the nexus. - o -