MSN Go Words Supplied by phone by Alex van Kaam NB MSN doesn't worry about the case used for letters - small or large are okay. scifi - SF section - X Files, Babylon 5, Star Trek etc. Leads to books, SF and fantasy SF&F - SF and fantasy forum SFF_books&orders - erm, order books etc ... SFF_media - TV series, movies etc including Red Dwarf SFF_television - Babylon 5, Red Dwarf, STTNG etc SFF_movies - films onlinegames - E Mail games - online version of PBM. Leads to strategy section compgames - computer games - covers all sorts, arcade, adventure, RPG etc card_games - collectable card games such as Magic The Gathering, STTNG etc compgameslib - computer games files to upload and download, hints and tips etc RPG - hint folders for a wide range of RPGs compgamesBBS - advice on all sorts of games - o -