REX NEBULAR & THE COSMIC GENDER BENDER - MicroProse RRP œ49.99 (PC HD Only graphic adventure) Reviewed by Dave Stone MicroProse's first Graphic Adventure (1992) and the Black Sheep of the family, is really rather good, and still plays well despite some minor technical flaws. So why did it flop, and why did it so embarrass Microprose that it has never been released on Budget? Could it be the marginally Adult theme? Are lusty amazonian women with a sex change machine a fit subject for a family game? Is Rex worth buying second hand & would it sell on Budget? (YES!!!!) Surprisingly its all done in the best possible taste, is genuinely funny, well animated and illustrated and contains logical puzzles with rewarding solutions. Many of the ideas were implemented less well in the similar 'Innocent until Caught'. (The game does contain some squashed animals, dead bodies and severed limbs - perhaps MicroProse were afraid of animal rights groups)? Rex is a space pilot for hire, flying a splendidly decrepit coal powered spaceship. His adventures start undersea as he escapes from the wreckage of his shot down ship. Later escapades include capture by the ruling women, a sex change which allows 'Rexanne' to explore the women only sections of the underground city and the large but sadly deserted city of the Men. Throughout the plotting is logical and the interface can be user defined. On the 'EASY' setting the game comes up with logical options for travel and object use. Two minor grumbles. Hard disk access was quite slow - presumably as a result of Disk Compression which packs a big game into 12MB of Disk space. Secondly the mouse produced screen glitches occasionally as the cursor painted across the screen. However even the final credits were well produced and quite amusing, and were followed by an option to view an extended series of quotes by the development team. If you can get hold of a cheap copy - BUY IT!. - o -