SynWin Version 2.1b An update from Alex van Kaam Installing: Just copy it over the previous version. Updates: Well thanks to our great friend James Judge we now have a previously used drive & directory box. He was not sure about using the DOS reader or SynWin although he needed SynWin to view my (and of course Sue's) picture. But since Sue can't keep placing our pictures every issue I agreed to work out James' idea. Drives and Directories from where you load SynTax are stored in the 'SYNWIN.INI' file and displayed in the 'Previously used directory box'. Just double click on an entry and SynWin will look for the SynTax files in that drive and/or Directory. Click once on an entry and select 'Remove Entry' to remove an entry from the list. Note that entries in the list are stored in alphabetical order so if you make sure your directories are numbered like this : 01 02 - 09 10 11 they will appear in the right order. Please note that because of this new feature you must not try to run SynWin from the SynTax floppy since it is write protected and SynWin will try to create the SYNWIN.INI file on it. Next Vicky Campbell came with the idea if it was possible to use several fonts since some people still have trouble using the Terminal font, this was done as follows: When you are reading an article you will notice 3 option buttons near the bottom, they say: Terminal, MS LineDraw, Fixedsys. If you have all 3 fonts installed all 3 the options will be available, just select the font you want to use and the text will be re-printed on screen using that font. If you don't have all 3 fonts installed the font that you don't have will be greyed out and you will not be able to select it. As you can see a new font is also added, it is called Fixedsys and it is a standard Windows font, it can be found in your system directory if you want to install it. This font does however not have any of the special symbols used in a map, but I added this font just to make sure that you will be able to view the text if the other 2 fonts don't work on your setup. And finally some more keyboard commands are added, you can now leave a menu using 'esc' and select a file using the 'arrow buttons' and 'enter'. I hope it all works since the program is slowly getting more and more complex. Alex - o -