WINDOWS 95 and DOS games From Alex van Kaam It seems that a lot of people have trouble running older DOS games through Windows 95. Before I get into that it is I think better to tell you what happens to your old DOS 6.2/Windows 3.11 setup when you install Windows 95. Let's see what happens when you boot up your DOS 6.2/Windows 3.11 system. (As an example I'll use my bootup files, so your files may look a bit different) First DOS loads your Config.sys file: >Device=c:\dos\himem.sys >Device=c:\dos\emm386.exe ram highscan >Dos=umb >Dos=high >Buffers=30 >Files=40 >Lastdrive=G >Devicehigh=c:\cdrom\mtmcdai.sys /d:mtmide01 /a:0 >Devicehigh=c:\e_ide\cmd640x.sys /a50 /l >Country=031,437,c:\dos\country.sys >Devicehigh=c:\dos\ansi.sys After this DOS will load your autoexec.bat file: >@echo off >Set blaster=a220 i5 d1 h5 p330 e620 t6 >Set sound=c:\sb16 >Set midi=synth:1 map:e mode:0 >Set dircmd=/o/p >C:\sb16\diagnose /s >C:\sb16\aweutil /s >C:\sb16\sb16set /p >Prompt [MS-DOS] $P$G >Path c:\dos;c:\windows;c:\sb16 >Loadhigh c:\dos\mscdex.exe /d:mtmide01 >Loadhigh c:\dos\smartdrv.exe /x >Loadhigh c:\dos\ >Loadhigh c:\mouse\ Once this is done you either run your DOS game or load Windows 3.11. Now if you install Windows 95 you install a new version of Windows but also a new version of DOS, DOS 7. There will also be some files added to your boot up sequence but these are not important at this point, what is important if you want to run DOS only games is that Windows 95 will take out several lines from your Autoexec.bat file. These lines load drivers that Windows 95 does not need, like your mouse driver and the ms cd-rom extension (mscdex.exe). So once Windows 95 is installed the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files will look a bit like this: Config file: >Device=c:\windows\command\himem.sys >Device=c:\windows\command\emm386.exe ram highscan >Dos=umb >Dos=high >Buffershigh=30 >Fileshigh=40 >Lastdrive=G >Devicehigh=c:\cdrom\mtmcdai.sys /d:mtmide01 /a:0 >Devicehigh=c:\e_ide\cmd640x.sys /a50 /l >Country=031,437,c:\windows\command\country.sys >Devicehigh=c:\windows\command\ansi.sys Autoexec.bat file: >@echo off >Set blaster=a220 i5 d1 h5 p330 e620 t6 >Set sound=c:\sb16 >Set midi=synth:1 map:e mode:0 >Set dircmd=/o/p >C:\sb16\diagnose /s >C:\sb16\aweutil /s >C:\sb16\sb16set /p >Prompt [MS-DOS] $P$G >Path c:\windows;c:\windows\command;c:\dos;c:\sb16 >Loadhigh c:\windows\command\ >(loading windows 95 straight away more on this later) Dosstart.bat file: >Loadhigh c:\dos\mscdex.exe /d:mtmide01 >Loadhigh c:\dos\smartdrv.exe /x >Loadhigh c:\mouse\ As you can see several lines are gone, Windows 95 has copied these lines into a file called Dosstart.bat in the Windows directory. As you can also see, lines that used to say C:\dos now say C:\windows\command, This is because most programs/commands in your C:\dos directory will only run in DOS 6.2 and not 7 so all the replacement programs/commands are now located in C:\windows\command. This is not really a problem to you since in the path command the C:\windows\commands directory is located before the C:\dos directory. Only if you run a program/command straight from the C:\dos directory you will get a wrong version error. So if you want to run a DOS only program there are roughly 3 ways. 1) shut down to DOS: Press 'Start' ----> 'Shut Down' ----> 'Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode' Which will shut down Windows and return you to the real DOS prompt, so not just a window. When Windows is loading the real DOS prompt for you it will also run the Dosstart.bat file in which it placed the lines it removed from your Autoexec.bat file. If for some reason Windows 95 did not copy those lines from your Autoexec.bat file into the Dosstart.bat file or you want to add some lines yourself, just go to the Windows directory and edit the Dosstart.bat file, add your lines and save the file. 2) running a DOS only file from desktop: Right click on Icon ----> 'Properties' ----> 'Program' ----> 'Advanced' You will now see several options: - Prevent MS-DOS based program from detecting Windows - Suggest MS-DOS mode as necessary - MS-DOS mode Select MS-DOS mode and press 'OK' If you now run the program you will get a warning telling you Windows will shut down, if you press 'OK' Windows will shut down and load the Dosstart.bat file and then run the DOS program, once you quit the program Windows will re-start. 3) running DOS only programs from the taskbar: Press 'Start' ----> 'Settings' ----> 'Taskbar' ----> 'Start menu programs' ----> 'Advanced' Locate the short cut and right click on it, from there on it is the same as in option 2. This should be enough to get you started, there are a few more options like setting a specific DOS configuration for each program but this is not really needed since your old configuration is enough to run your old DOS programs. - o -