Aliens Hints from Richard Hewison To survive the first section of ALIENS: A Comic Book Adventure Firstly, go and speak to your Commanding Officer, Williams. He will ask you to get some landing co-ordinates from the main computer, MOM. You can try leaving the bridge, but the EXIT won't open. Go down the steps and use the door controls found next to the Video CD player on the MOM control desk. Now go back up and open the EXIT. Open the fourth (last) door down the corridor. Enter the room. Open the overhead cupboard and take the yellow pass. Also open the desk drawer and take the Raw (blank) CD. Return to the Bridge. Visit MOM and use the yellow pass. Now ask her about the status of the ship, and in particular - the sensors. She will ask you to insert a blank unformatted CD so she can download the landing co-ordinates that will lead the ship to the source of the SOS signal. Insert the Raw (blank) CD. MOM will format it and download the data. Now take this CD to Williams. Give Williams the CD (go to the Status screen and drag the CD to William's face). Now speak to him. The ship will now descend into the planet's atmosphere and land. Unfortunately, if you have version 1.01 then you won't be able to get much further than this because the game will lock up at this point and not let you go any further! There is a fix available from the publishers (Mindscape) but I've not yet found out if this is a floppy disk patch or a whole new CD#1. - o -