Descent Hints & Tips From James Judge Well, it's official - Descent is a damn good game, even Sue thinks it is brilliant. So, hint number one is get yourself a copy of the damned game - freeware or otherwise. Any Doomies reading this - just skip to the end bit where the cheats are (shame on you), but try not to use them as cheats do tend to spoil games of this kind. Anyway, for the newcomers to this 3D shoot-'em-up lark. It's pretty simple once you have learnt a few basic rules on how to survive. The first is: NEVER LOSE YOUR SENSE OF DIRECTION In other words, don't go flying into a room, shoot a few enemies, find a whole load more and lose where the entrance is, getting yourself killed because you have nowhere to flee. Instead clear the first level of enemies (shouldn't be too difficult), but don't destroy the generator. Next get back to the beginning of the level and look at the map (press the TAB key), have a good ol' study of the level and choose a place that you want to go - a fair way away. Then just go for it without the map. Zoom around the place as fast as possible until you get to the target. Do this few times and you'll find yourself becoming accustomed to the full 3D effect. Of course, another little hintet is to keep the ceiling above you. Whenever you start a level you are positioned a certain way up. What I call the floor at this point in time is what I try to keep as the floor throughout the level. This isn't as hard as it sounds. When you are just exploring it is a simple matter to keep yourself up the right way (using the <7> and <9> keys on the keypad). And then when it comes to fights just flip and flop around where you are and re-align yourself with the floor/ceiling by noting where the lights are (99% of the time on the ceiling). So, if there are lights to the left of you rotate 90 degrees left to get the ceiling back where it should be. Using this method you can easily memorise the level - making the map facility defunct (nearly) because you have (in a way) limited yourself to only one plane (as in Doom) and, so, one map. The next little hint is to do with doors. There are two ways in which you can open doors - either by ramming them with your ship, or by firing at them with a weapon. Opening them with a weapon is a good idea as you can put yourself in a position that, if there are any enemies on the other side, you can quickly shuffle from side to side to evade their fire. On the subject of enemies' fire, you can avoid the said fire power in corridors by nipping into one corner, wait for the enemy to sight and fire at you, nip to the other corner, sight the enemy, open fire and when they fire at you repeat. This way you'll only get hit 25% of the time instead of 90% of the time if you float in the centre of the corridor like a used condom. When you are just about to enter an as yet unexplored room do the following: (1) Fly into the room two ships' length and then nip back VERY quickly. (2) When you flew into the room listen for the sound of the enemy. All the enemies make a noise when they sight you - whether it is a small clunk, or a scream. Learning what noises each monster makes can help you identify what monsters are in a certain room without actually having to see them. (3) While you fly back out of the room look for any laser fire. From the colour and type of laser fire you'll be able to tell what monster(s) are in the room. Also by the number of laser blasts you'll be able to guess how many monsters are in the room too, as well as in which direction they will be coming from (if a blast goes from right to left, you know the enemy will be to the right). Using those tactics you (hopefully) shouldn't be surprised too many times. Finally, in the later levels of the shareware version you'll come across part of the level that are dull purple. BE CAREFUL. There are cunning little generators of monsters that spew the accursed creatures out at the most inopportune moments. You know when they are going to spew because they make a noise and then glow. A monster will then materialise in the centre, ready for you to shoot it. You can't stop the generators - just wait until the enemies have run out, then hang around for, say, ten seconds, flying around the generators. If no more monsters appear deem it safe to go on - but be prepared if you come back to the area later on in the game (something you shouldn't, I don't think, have to do if you are careful in any level). OK, then, to the cheats. GABBAGABBAHEY - enables cheat mode MITZI - all keys RACERX - invulnerability SCOURGE - all weapons FARMERJOE - level menu TWILIGHT - full shields GUILE - cloak MAP and will bring up the entire map. Oh, before I go. So good at the game you can breeze through it on Insane? Well, try this to make your life just that LITTLE bit harder. Crank the detail down to the lowest possible setting, hit and then jab the minus button (on the main keyboard) until the screen will no longer shrink. Try killing the final enemy like this, mates! Happy descending!!! - o -