Back Numbers Issues 1-24 cost œ2.50 each, Issues 25 onwards œ3.50. A set of Issues 1-12 OR 13-24 cost œ25.00 including a labelled disk box. Issue 1-24 plus 2 disk boxes are œ40.00. All prices include P&P. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Index F-N Issue 41 See the SynDex booklet for full details of issues 1-40 - write to the usual address if you want a free copy. Abbreviations used are R = Review, MR = Mini Review, Prev = Preview/demo, H = Hints, S = Solution, M = Map, P = Picture/Screenshot, A = Article, B = Book Review, F/V = Film/Video Review followed by the SynTax issue number. The - and > symbols denote a serialised solution, set of maps etc that may still be continuing. Maps and screenshots were only available on the ST in the early issues but from Issue 39 were PC SynWin only. In the ST/AM/PC columns, "x" shows a game is available for that machine, "c" that it's "coming soon". Some text games also run with an emulator, shown "e" ST PC Am Title Files ------------------------------------------------------------------ e e e Fistful of Necronimicons R41 x x x Future Wars R4&28/P4/H4&5&21&25&32 &33&34/S5&41 x x Gateway to the Savage Frontier R18/H29-41/S25 x Great Ultizurkian Underworld R41 x Infocom Toolkit R41 x Intercept S41 x Kingdom - The Far Reaches R41 x x x King of Chicago S41 x x x King's Quest III R10/H9&34&36&40/S41 x x x King's Quest IV R10/H1&20&25&34&41/S33 x x King's Quest VI R25/H25&41/S26 CD King's Quest VII R38/H40&41 x/CD Lands of Lore R31&34/A34/H34&37&41 /S27-29 x x x Leisure Suit Larry II R1/H1&20&41/S10-11 x Menzoberranzan R36/H40&41/S39-41> ST PC Am Title Files ------------------------------------------------------------------ x Might and Magic IV/V (World) R29/H31/S28-41/ M28-41 x Might and Magic V R29/S33-41/M33-41 - o -