King's Quest V - Objects and Their Uses AMULET - Wear in the woods BAG WITHOUT PEAS - Use on the cat CHEESE -Put in machine CLOAK - Wear it on the mountain CRYSTAL - Use to destroy the statues FISH - Give to the bear FISH (ANOTHER ONE) - Give to the cat in the castle GEMS - Give to the little men GOLD COIN - Use to see the fortune teller GOLDEN HEART - Give to the weeping tree GOLDEN LOCKET -Give to the princess in the kitchen GOLDEN NEEDLE - Give to the tailor HAIR PIN - Use on door in maze HAM - Eat in mountains then give to the eagle HAMMER - Break open the door of the inn HARP - Play to the Ice Queen and harpies HONEY - Use on the floor of the Dark Woods HOOK - Use to get some cheese IRON BAR - Use to get inside the castle JUG - Give to the witch KEY - Use it to open door in tree LITTLE BAG - Just open it MORDACK'S WAND - Use on the machine NICE BOOTS - Give to the shoemaker OLD BOOT - Use on the cat PEAS WITHOUT BAG - Use on the guard in the dungeon PIE - Give to snowman PUPPET - Give to toy-maker ROPE - Use to climb up the waterfall SHELL/CONCH - Give to the old man so he can hear SILVER COIN - Buy pie SLEDGE - Use to catch up with wolves SPINNING WHEEL - Give to the gnome STAFF - Opens temple door STICK - Give to the dog TAMBOURINE - Use on snake and give to Dink WAND - Use on the machine - o -