Uncle Zebulon's Will - Getting Started ... Submitted by Tom Lorimer Let's start by going north into the shed. Take paper, Read paper, Drop paper, Examine bench, Examine stand, Examine statue, Examine ears, Examine eyes, Examine blue lens, Turn left ear, Turn right ear, South, East, Examine demon, East, Take letter, Read letter, Drop letter, East, North, Open cupboard, Take blue bottle, Examine blue bottle, Take silver coin from blue bottle, Drop silver coin, South, West, West, North, Put blue bottle on bench, South, East, East, Take lead coin, Examine lead coin, North, Take silver coin, Examine silver coin, Take carrot, Examine carrot, South, Up. Take plate, Examine plate, Open crate, Examine shavings, Search shavings, Take teak box, Open teak box, Take red lens, Drop teak box, Down, South, Examine book, Take sheet of paper, Read sheet of paper, Drop sheet of paper, Examine crystal ball, Look into crystal ball, Look in crystal ball another 4 times for hints... - o -