Leather Goddesses of Phobos HELP - Part 1 Taken from the Public Domain ************************************************************* TOPIC 1 The Bar QUESTION 1 What do I do here? ANSWER 1 1. Order another drink. ANSWER 2 2. What does your bladder want to do? ANSWER 3 3. Go to the appropriate bathroom. ANSWER 4 4. Use it. ANSWER 5 5. Now just wait for a couple of turns. ************************************************************* TOPIC 2 The Prison QUESTION 1 How do I get out of my cell? ANSWER 1 1. These guards are really dumb. ANSWER 2 2. They forgot something. ANSWER 3 3. Like to lock the cell door. Open it. QUESTION 2 What should I do about Trent/Tiffany? ANSWER 1 1. You'll need him/her later in the game. ANSWER 2 2. Just ask him/her to follow you. QUESTION 3 How do I decode that piece of paper? ANSWER 1 1. What do jumbled letters usually mean in gaming circles? ANSWER 2 2. Word searches. ANSWER 3 3. You can try to find the words with no list. ANSWER 4 4. Or, wait until Trent/Tiffany hands you something. ANSWER 5 5. Like a matchbook. ANSWER 6 6. The parts to the weapon are the words you need to find. ANSWER 7 7. The unused letters will spell a message. ANSWER 8 8. "Hissing frightens flytraps." QUESTION 4 How do I escape the Leckbandi guards? ANSWER 1 1. If you don't go near them, they won't hurt you. ANSWER 2 2. Just don't go where you're advised not to. QUESTION 5 I let the attack dogs out of the closet!! Can you help? ANSWER 1 1. Yes. May I suggest psychiatric help? ANSWER 2 2. There are no attack dogs in the closet. QUESTION 6 What are these black circles I keep seeing? ANSWER 1 1. Try putting something on it. ANSWER 2 2. It disappeared. ANSWER 3 3. Actually, it's somewhere else. ANSWER 4 4. Those circles are transporters. QUESTION 7 How do I get the basket in the closet? ANSWER 1 1. You need a lift. ANSWER 2 2. If Trent/Tiffany is with you, stand on him/her. ANSWER 3 3. Or, you can use the stool from the bathroom. ************************************************************* TOPIC 3 Venusian Jungle QUESTION 1 What can I do about the flytrap? ANSWER 1 1. Have you seen the matrix in Trent/Tiffany's cell? ANSWER 2 2. Have you deciphered the message? If you haven't, do so. ANSWER 3 3. Hiss at it. QUESTION 2 What is an alternate solution? ANSWER 1 1. Go to Cleveland. ANSWER 2 2. Remember that trap in the jungle with a hole in the ground? ANSWER 3 3. The one where you put leaves over a bed of sticks? ANSWER 4 4. Or a trellis? Put the trellis over the tree hole. ANSWER 5 5. Pour the leaves on it and go to the hole. QUESTION 3 What is untangling cream for? ANSWER 1 1. If you mess things up, put it on your game and you'll win. ANSWER 2 2. Not really. I don't these questions. ANSWER 3 3. You'll know how to use it when you need it. QUESTION 4 How do I buy the salesman's machine? ANSWER 1 1. Barter is the appropriate word. ANSWER 2 2. What I did was try everything at once. ANSWER 3 3. Use OFFER SALESMAN ALL. ANSWER 4 4. He'll take the flashlight. QUESTION 5 How do I work the Tee-Remover? ANSWER 1 1. It obviously removes some kind of T. ANSWER 2 2. Not a drink or any other liquid. ANSWER 3 3. It doesn't take T's out of written messages. ANSWER 4 4. Try some objects. You may want to save the game first. ANSWER 5 5. Look what happened to the object names. ANSWER 6 6. It takes out the T's. QUESTION 6 How do I kill the mad scientist's doberman? ANSWER 1 1. You have this thing with dogs, don't you? ANSWER 2 2. READ MY LIPS -- NO MORE DOGS!!! ANSWER 3 3. There is no doberman in this game. QUESTION 7 How do I unstrap myself from the mad scientist's slab? ANSWER 1 1. Soon, you won't need to. ANSWER 2 2. Once something happens, you can unstrap your body. Wait. QUESTION 8 Help me. I'm a gorilla in a cage. What do I do? ANSWER 1 1. While you're in the cage, you may want to get something. ANSWER 2 2. Like the rubber hose. It was on your list. ANSWER 3 3. Try bending the bars. ANSWER 4 4. You're too weak. What would help you get more strength? ANSWER 5 5. Sugar gives you a rush. ANSWER 6 6. Chocolate has sugar in it. ANSWER 7 7. That hunk of food is chocolate. ANSWER 8 8. Before you're transformed, give it to the gorilla. ANSWER 9 9. Once you're a gorilla, eat the chocolate and bend the bars. ANSWER 10 10. Drop the hose if you have it and unstrap your body. QUESTION 9 I'm out of the cage but I'm still a gorilla. What do I do? ANSWER 1 1. What did the scientist do? ANSWER 2 2. Remember that switch? Flip it. ANSWER 3 3. Once you're back to your old self, don't forget to unstrap Trent and take the hose. ANSWER 4 4. Use the black circle to leave the lab. QUESTION 10 How do I make a call on the VisiComm booth? ANSWER 1 1. You can't. @~More next issue - o -