Stonekeep Hints from Vic Horsley When facing the orcs and you have very little ammo, try swinging around (left or right pointers) and slashing with your axe or sword (left mouse button). They find it very hard to hit you but you cause considerable damage to them. Many of the stronger orcs can't be killed by the normal front attack. Afri's Globe - you should start using this straight away as it will save returning to the start later on (which can be a long journey). Place globe on ground 1 pace ahead of you, hit space bar (to clear unwanted icons on screen) and a red map will appear. This shows your immediate area including hidden rooms or passages (these will not be shown on your normal maps until you have entered them). Always face north when using the globe as it ties in easier with the main maps. Globes all have other uses besides what they are finally used for so try them on yourself and everything else, after having saved your game. Octopus - attack these the same way as orcs but keep turning (don't dare stop). They are tiring to kill but drop in the end (they are not dead on losing their tentacles so keep slashing for a few more revolutions. Feeding Grounds Lvl 2 - go as far as you are able on this level, then back and fro to Dwarven Fortress to release dragon before going into Fairy Kingdom when on completion process to Ice Caverns and then Ancients. If you do it in this order you'll have no problems but trying other ways can cause a crash as it did for me. This is because certain items are unable to interact. - o -