The Seventh Guest Virgin 'White Box' CD ROM only œ9.99 Reviewed by Dave Stone on a 386 DX40 First released three years ago at a colossal œ69.99, early reviews raved about the graphics but concluded that lack of gameplay made it poor value. Not any more! If you like challenging puzzles, accompanied by attractive music and superb graphics this title must be the bargain of the year. If you prefer RPGs or adventures with lots of locations and objects - avoid. New PC owners begin here. The evil Stauff has set you a series of puzzles in his Gothic Mansion. As you solve them short video sequences gradually reveal the fate of his previous dinner Guests, and more locations within the house become available. Although there are no objects to manipulate outside the puzzles, there are several brilliantly detailed rooms, most of which have secret passages to other parts of the house. The game includes a limited hint facility which can be used to solve any particularly nasty problem. Stauff provides a commentary throughout, and your thoughts are conveyed by 'EGO'. Stauff's acting is an excellent portrayal of malice adding greatly to the atmosphere. Jerky graphics? A slow Graphics Card will not display the game at its best, and the 512k OAK I used was certainly slow (at about 40% of the recommended speed). This did not affect the playability of the game or lead to any problems with the video sequences. PS. Bargain Alert, my local friendly Second Hand Games shop allowed œ4 trade in against the sequel - 11th Hour, making it even better value! - o -