@~With Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall about to be released, a timely @~recap of the first game ... Sue The Elder Scrolls - ARENA From Brian Burke This game first came out when I still had my Amiga. I recall being extremely envious. Now I have a PC I can see for myself what the fuss was about. Problem 1 - Base Memory, or rather, on my WIN95 system, a distinct lack of it. To date this is the only game I playing with a boot disk and where I can't get any sound. Not that there's much sound to speak of (excuse the pun). When I started in the opening dungeon I played from a WIN95 DOS box with sound. So I had the trumpet fanfare when gaining a higher level. Once I left this area my memory problems began. Problem 2 - I never thought I'd say this BUT the game's too big. Depending on your boredom threshold you could play this game forever. There's simply no boundary to the map, it just keeps generating random areas/dungeons ad-infinitum. Once out the start dungeon I wandered into a town called Soulkeep and, having received my first quest from the Queen (got to run loads of little errands first mind) just exited the town and looked for the Ghoul. Wrong move. I didn't find him! A case of Read The Flipping Manual. I neglected to right mouse click on the map icon which I eventually did. It took me ages to find my way back to Soulkeep from the `inner' map. Despite the negatives I'm ploughing away and am now on the 5th staff piece thanks to downloading an FAQ off the Internet. This lists the places where the quest to find said staff pieces are to be found and, I guess, is saving literary days of playing time. With any luck I'll be finished some time in September ready for the Daggerfall release. I'm playing off the floppy disk version but I believe there's an updated CD-ROM version. Maybe Sue knows what the enhancements are? @~Erm ... not really ... can anyone help with details? Meantime if you've a month or two to spare and all played up on RPGs you could do worse than have a go at Arena. @~Is it bug-free now? ... Sue - o -