Leather Goddesses of Phobos HELP - Part 2 Author unknown @~Continued from Issue 43 TOPIC 4 The Martian Desert QUESTION 1 How can I help poor old King Mitre? ANSWER 1. Have you been to Venus? ANSWER 2. And have you gotten the T-Remover? ANSWER 3. And the untangling cream? ANSWER 4. Use the T-Remover on the cream. ANSWER 5. It will become unangling cream. ANSWER 6. You might want to unangle something. ANSWER 7. Like his daughter-angle. ANSWER 8. Put the cream on her. QUESTION 2 What do I do with the frog? ANSWER 1. Remember that story about the frog prince? ANSWER 2. Remember what happened to the frog when it was kissed? ANSWER 3. It turned into a prince. Kiss the frog. ANSWER 4. Too ugly? ANSWER 5. Close your eyes. ANSWER 6. Smells too bad? You need to pin your nose. ANSWER 7. You can either use the clothes pin or your hands. ANSWER 8. Too loud? You need to plug your ears. ANSWER 9. Either use the cotton balls or your hands if they're free. ANSWER 10. No luck? Too disgusting? You need something for your lips. ANSWER 11. Like lip balm. Find it and come back. ANSWER 12. Now kiss the frog. QUESTION 3 What do I do when the bunny bites me? ANSWER 1. See medical attention. He may have rabies. ANSWER 2. He doesn't, nor will he bite. ANSWER 3. STOP CHEATING!!! QUESTION 4 What do I do with the white circle? ANSWER 1. It was black a minute ago. ANSWER 2. It can be black again. ANSWER 3. Remember the stain from Venus? ANSWER 4. It was black. Pour it on the circle. QUESTION 5 How do I get the mouse? ANSWER 1. What scares mice? ANSWER 2. Cats. But where is a cat? ANSWER 3. On the painting from your cell. ANSWER 4. Show it to the mouse. Take the mouse. ************************************************************* TOPIC 5 Martian Canals QUESTION 1 How do I control the barge? ANSWER 1. You have to look to the two individual questions. QUESTION 2 What does the purple button do? ANSWER 1. Read it. It says "Go With the Flow." ANSWER 2. Now push it. Notice what it says, "Full Speed Ahead." ANSWER 3. If "Full Speed" is on, you'll go faster. ANSWER 4. But if "Go With the Flow" is on, you'll be carried by the currents. QUESTION 3 What does the orange button do? ANSWER 1. Read it. It says "Magnetomoor On." ANSWER 2. Press it and read the controls again. ANSWER 3. You're moving. The mooring is now off. ANSWER 4. When it's on, you'll dock at the nearest dock. ANSWER 5. If it's off, you'll go through the canal. QUESTION 4 How do I decode the alien's message? ANSWER 1. Read the comic book. It describes the code. ANSWER 2. Message still look strange? ANSWER 3. It's backwards, including the number. QUESTION 5 There are two docks at the same location. How do I get to both? ANSWER 1. Experimenting will show you to go to the eastern one. ANSWER 2. You can't use the barge to get to both on the same play. ANSWER 3. If you fool around with the controls, you'll see how to get to the eastern one. ANSWER 4. Press the purple button so that you "go with the flow." ANSWER 5. How do you get to the western one, you say? ANSWER 6. Go to the catacombs first. ANSWER 7. Get the raft. ANSWER 8. Put in the water somewhere up the canal from the docks. ANSWER 9. Donald Dock takes you to the same place as the western one. ANSWER 10. Just ride the raft until you get there. ANSWER 11. Grab onto the dock and get the raft. QUESTION 6 How do I buy an exit at the exit shop? ANSWER 1. You need to pay the shopkeeper first. ANSWER 2. The shopkeeper won't take too much. ANSWER 3. And if you haven't been to the South Pole, you need to go there. ANSWER 4. If you've gotten past the penguins, you should have a 1 marsmid coin. ANSWER 5. Now, you have an exit. QUESTION 7 How do I use the exit? ANSWER 1. It's like a flexible black circle. ANSWER 2. Drop it somewhere and stand on it. QUESTION 8 How do I get past the machine safely? ANSWER 1. You can't ride past it. ANSWER 2. Go to the Sultan(ess)'s Palace. Try some of the black circles. ANSWER 3. Where does the one in the well take you? ANSWER 4. Not to This is My Kinda Dock!!! ANSWER 5. What else is at My Kinda Dock? ANSWER 6. The royal barge. ANSWER 7. That black circle takes you to the barge, wherever it is. ANSWER 8. Try fooling with the controls from the dock. ANSWER 9. You can work them perfectly fine. ANSWER 10. Press the orange button. Let the barge drift for a while (Now's a good time to go through the Catacombs). ANSWER 11. Now stand on the circle at Well Bottom. @~More next issue - o -