Ultima VII Part II:Serpent Isle - Part 12 Walkthrough by Belisana Supplied by Julian Gregory @~Concluded from Issue 43 HAZARD THE TRAPPER Go north again and talk to the surviving gwani. Yenani will tell you that nearly all the gwani were killed by Hazard the Trapper. She'll ask you to retrieve an amulet once owned by their healer and stolen by Hazard. Go north to Hazard's cave at 59N 25E. His door, which has been locked until now, is unlocked. Talk to Hazard, who will refuse to stop killing the gwani and will attack you. Kill him and take his red key. In the northern area of his cave, you'll find some loot and a brass chest. Unlock the chest with the red key and take the gwani amulet and your glass sword. Take the amulet back to Yenani and give it to her. In return, she'll give you serpent tooth #1, which goes to the Temple of Balance. ISLE OF CRYPTS Now, use Xenka's serpent tooth and go to the Isle of Crypts. There's an impassable teleport trap in the northern corridor, so take the southern corridor to the meditation room. A sign will tell you to put your offerings on the altar table. Put any of your blackrock serpents on the table, and a door to the south will open. Pick the brass chest to get a juggernaut hammer. Take your blackrock serpent and continue north and west from the meditation room. Read the book in the next crypt -- it tells about Sunrise Isle and the Temple of Balance. Go west to an area with four crypts. Press the button on the west wall to open a door to the north. Signs in this secret room tell you "To Continue in Balance, Stand Here." Stand near the north wall, and if you have the balance serpent in your inventory, you'll be teleported to the NE corner of the crypts, beyond the hallway with the teleport trap. Go west along the "Path of Serpents." A corpse nearby has some reagents. At the gold doors, press the button on the north wall. The next room is heavily trapped, so cast Destroy Traps in each corner. You'll find a gold serpent on a pedestal and another empty pedestal. A sign reads "Balance is Wisdom." Don't touch the gold serpent. Go on through the south door, and follow the serpent path to another tomb with a mummy walking around inside. Open the secret door in the tomb's south side and let the mummy out. Cast Vibrate on him, or kill him, and take the scroll he's carrying. Read the scroll and it will tell you that it IS wisdom, and is thus the balance for the gold serpent. Take it back to the scale room and put it on the empty pedestal. You'll be teleported to a square room with many ruined books and one whole one on a pedestal. Read the book on the pedestal (it tells how the last Ophidians left Serpent Isle) and you'll be teleported to a hallway just east of two large serpent statues. Fight the skeleton dragon and go west into the shrine. Cast Dispel Field to get the Chaos Serpent eye. Press the button near the Chaos serpent statue, and find the secret door in the wall behind the statue. Go north into a short hallway and step onto the teleporter to the right. You'll be teleported to a large crypt with a tomb on a raised platform. Use the secret door to open the tomb, and then open the coffin. Cast Summon Shade on the mummy, and you'll find yourself speaking to the last Great Hierophant. He'll tell you to restore the land to balance. If you don't have all three pieces of the Great Hierophant's regalia (staff, crown, and armor), he'll tell you where to find them. (Since we haven't gone to find the serpent armor yet, he tells us to "ease the troubled heart of Love - she who was once Beauty itself". Thus, a trip to Fawn is in order shortly.) He'll also tell you how the War of Imbalance started in the first place, and he'll send you on a quest to unite the Chaos serpent. You'll need to find the Chaos Hierophant (Ssithnos) to learn how to do this, but he doesn't know where his remains lie. When you unite the Chaos serpent, he'll say, go to the Grand Shrine of Balance to complete your work. FINDING THE SERPENT ARMOR Go to Fawn. You'll find Zulith's body just inside the gatehouse. He has a scroll that tells of Iolo's attack. It also tells you where to find the treasure room, and that you'll need to find Yelinda in the Gorlab Swamp to get the key. Look for Ruggs in the city. He's the only survivor, and he'll tell you that Yelinda left her diamond necklace in the throne room. Get the necklace and leave Fawn. Call the Hound of Doskar and let him sniff Yelinda's necklace. He'll lead you to her in the swamp. Yelinda is in desperate shape, having been tortured by anti-Iolo. She'll ask for the Comb of Beauty that Columna stole from her. Give it to her, and she'll give you the key to the treasury. A monk will come to care for her. Go back to the city and find a tiny room in the SE corner of the throne room. Walk north, through an illusionary wall, and you'll be in the treasure vault. Open the gate with Yelinda's antique-looking key. In the chests, you'll find the serpent armor -- along with an infinity bow and a considerable store of magic weapons, armor pieces, furs, and other valuables. HOUSE OF WARES While you're in the neighborhood, you might want to drop by the House of Wares (in the woods at 77S 28W). Open the door with the antique-looking key you got from Gannt's tomb. You'll find... well, I'll let you do that for yourself . FINDING SSITHNOS Go back to the Temple of Tolerance and have another chat with Sethys. He'll tell you that he knows where the master lies, and can go to the Temple of Enthusiasm briefly, even though he's unimaginably old. Let him join your party and head for the serpent gate. Sethys will die of old age as soon as he leaves the temple, but he'll tell you to take the serpent stone from his body, and to look for Ssithnos' body in the garden at Enthusiasm. Take the blue serpent eye and go to the Temple of Enthusiasm. You'll find Ssithnos' corpse in the NE corner of the garden, near the serpent gate. Cast Summon Shade, and he'll tell you all about uniting the Chaos serpent. He'll tell you the exact same things his curious twins did in the ruined powder mill on the mainland, and he'll give you a copy of the same scroll. And he'll mention the unknown binding force you'll need to complete the ceremony. Then he'll disappear into the void. THE SACRIFICE Go back to Monk Isle and talk to Xenka again. She should now have a keyword 'sacrifice.' Ask her about the sacrifice, and she'll tell you that things have now gone too far out of balance, and that only the sacrifice of one who is in balance can put things right again. After drawing straws, you're elected to be the sacrifice. Go to the crematorium in Monitor, step onto the cremation machine, and pull the lever. Dupre will intervene and will sacrifice himself in your place. Pick up Dupre's items from the top of the machine, and his ashes from the machine's conveyor belt. Go back to Monk Isle and talk to Xenka again. She'll tell you to take Dupre's ashes to the Chaos Shrine under Skullcrusher. Ask her about your 'final task,' and she'll give you a gold Ophidian sword. Go to Sunrise Isle (the Temple of Balance), she'll say. Stop by the library and pick up Gwenno. She'll join your party now, and will put Dupre's arms and armor to good use. UNITING THE CHAOS SERPENT Now, go back to the City of Chaos. If you haven't blown open the northern double doors in the temple entrance, do so now. Work your way to the NE corner and take the stairs down to the dungeon level one. Now, work your way to the SE corner and take the stairs down to the dungeon level two. Head for the SW corner of this level and take the stairs up two levels. Follow the hallways to the SW until you come to another set of double golden doors. Open them and go in to the Grand Shrine of Chaos. Search the back wall carefully, and you'll find a secret door. Go through into the shrine's inner sanctum. Follow Ssithnos' instructions to perform the ceremony. Put the blackrock Chaos serpent into the slot on the table, and the Wall of Lights will open. Put each bane (soul prism) on its proper pedestal (madness/emotion; wantonness/enthusiasm; anarchy/tolerance). Each will disappear in flames. Finally, put Dupre's ashes on the fourth pedestal. You'll see four big explosions, and then Dupre will speak. He says his soul is now fused with the Chaos serpent, which he's holding back. He says to go quickly to the Temple of Balance. Xenka may or may not appear, saying the same thing. Get your blackrock Chaos serpent and head back for the serpent gate. TEMPLE OF BALANCE Take the last path (due north) from serpent central to the Temple of Balance. Walk under the serpent gate and read the book you find there. Pick up the two red serpents and the two blue serpents in the room's corners. Put one red (Chaos) and one blue (Order) serpent on the scales at the north and south entrances. Six symbols of the Chaos and Order virtues will appear on the six red and blue pedestals, and the doors will be unlocked. Take the six symbols and go out either door. Go west along the rocky walkways, and you'll find a book that will explain how to balance the six virtues of Chaos and Order. It works like this: Tolerance (chain) balances Ethicality (torch) Emotion (heart) balances Logic (abacus) Enthusiasm (rose) balances Discipline (dagger) Walk along the rocky pathways until you've found all six virtue shrines. At each shrine, place the BALANCING symbol on the pedestal, not the symbol that matches the sign. Each time you place a symbol correctly, you'll see magic stars and your avatar will say "That did it!" If you place one incorrectly, you'll see lightning instead, and may also be attacked. After you've placed the sixth symbol correctly, a book will appear in its place on the pedestal. The book will advise you to stand between the pillars and read its words. Note: You can't go back once you've done the next step here. If you don't have everything you need (three blackrock serpents, serpent crown, armor and staff, Chaos serpent eye, serpent ring, necklace and earrings) go back and get them before proceeding. Go back to the room with the serpent gate. You'll find the pillars on its north edge. Stand between the pillars and "use" the book. Walk north across the ice bridge that forms from the pillars. Stand between the next set of pillars and read the book again. Walk north across the fire bridge, and open the big wooden doors. You'll see a red pedestal with a sign saying "Symbol of Chaos" and a blue pedestal with a sign saying "Symbol of Order." To get the items for these pedestals, go to the farthest-west room. Get the green key on the table. Cast Dispel Field on the brass chest and open it with the green key. You'll find an infinity bow, some magic scrolls, and a book. Read the book: it tells you what to do to open the gold double doors. Now, go to the eastern-most room and unlock the brass chest with the green key. Take a serpent candle and go back west to the ice altar room. There's a pedestal with a sign saying "fire balances ice." Put the serpent candle on the pedestal and the ice wall will melt, leaving large chunks of ice. Take one of the ice chunks; walk forward and take the ice gem. Go east to the fire altar room. Put the chunk of ice on the red pedestal, and a black walkway will form over the lava. Walk forward and get the fire gem. Go back to the golden doors and put the fire gem on the red pedestal and the ice gem on the blue pedestal. The golden doors will open. In the next room, you'll find a starry void, and near the wooden doors, a pedestal that says "Place here the cubes of both Chaos and Order." To get the cubes, you'll have to work a button-and-teleport puzzle in the buildings to your right and left. Here's a diagram of the puzzle: B = button G = gate D = door T = teleport K = key Note: Buttons and gates without numbers need not be used; it's also not necessary to use the secret door on the right, or the T2 teleports if you can cast Telekinesis. 2nd Floor Left 2nd Floor Right |------------------| |------------------| | B4 B1 | | | |------G3------| | | st dn | | | st| | | | rose | dn| | | | | |-----------D1-----| |------G4------| | | | ch ch | | B3 | | K1 | | abacus | | | | | |------G-------| | | | T2 T2 | |-------G2---------| | | | T1 T1 | |-----trap-----| | | | | | B chain | | B5 torch | | | |--------------| |------------------| 1st Floor Left 1st Floor Right |------------------| |-----|------------| | B2 |illusionary | T2 | T2 | |------G1------| |wall |--SD-| | | T1 T1 | | |st up | | |st | | B | |------G5------|up | |--------G6--------| | | | | B B | | heart | | | | B6 | | ch dagger | |------D2------| | K2 | | | |--------D3--------| | cubes of ice | | | | | | cubes of fire | | ch/K3 | | B | |--------------| |------------------| To solve the puzzle: Go up the left stairs and press B1 (opens G1); go downstairs and walk through the illusionary wall; press B2 (opens G2); go through G1 and cast Telekinesis on B6 (opens G6); take T1 to the right side; go north through G2 and press B3 (opens G3); take T1 back to the left side; go back out through the illusionary wall; go upstairs and press B4 (opens G4); go through G3 and G4, open the chest on the left and take K1; cast Telekinesis on B5 (opens G5); go back downstairs and take T1 to the right side; open D1 with K1 and go downstairs; go through G6, cast Destroy Traps on the brass chest, and take K2; go back upstairs and take T1 to the left side; go through G5 and open D2 with K2; take two cubes of ice, cast Destroy Traps on the brass chest, and take K3; Take T1 to the right side; go through G6 and open D3 with K3; take two cubes of fire; go back upstairs and take T1 to the left side; go back through the illusionary wall. Put two cubes of ice and two cubes of fire on the pedestal, and a bridge will appear across the starry void. Put on the serpent armor and crown, and carry the serpent staff. Walk to the next-to-top step of the bridge and take the scroll. Read it: it will tell you what you need to complete the next step. Now, step on the top step and you'll be teleported to a new location. The Earth Serpent will tell you to put the staff, crown and armor on the altar. Walk north and up the steps; place the three items on the gold table. You'll learn that you're in balance and worthy to bear the emblems of the Great Hierophant. The Order Serpent eye (and the three serpent artifacts) are now in your inventory, and the wooden doors are now open. You'll be teleported back to your companions; you can put your own armor back on now, and can carry the weapon of your choice. Go through the wooden doors. There are some magic scrolls and an infinity bow on the left and right sides of this room, but the main action is up the middle. As soon as you cross the stone steps, the Order Serpent will challenge you with a group of ice creatures. When you've killed them, put away your own weapon and carry Xenka's Ophidian sword. Walk north and put the three blackrock serpents into their slots. Your avatar will walk forward and open the Wall of Lights. Now, place the Chaos and Order serpent eyes on the altar before the Earth Serpent statue. The serpent will command you to slay him with the serpent sword. Go into combat mode and double click on the serpent statue. The serpent will collapse and your avatar will disappear into the void. In the endgame scene, you'll see the three serpents intertwine and join, thus restoring balance. You'll learn that you've completed your quest, and that Dupre is with the Ophidians and is content. Then, the Guardian will reach out of the void and drag your avatar off to... >>> ULTIMA 8 <<< ULTIMA VII PART II: SERPENT ISLE is published and distributed by Origin Systems. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1993 by Belisana (71700,2130) and THE ELECTRONIC GAMER. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without permission. - o -