Shannara - Getting Started Supplied by the Grue Scene 1: Brook at Shady Vale 1. Take the journal. Game switches to Book interface. (Read the journal or move cursor outside of the book and click to exit.) 2. Take the fishing pole. 3. Take the stick. 4. Move the branches with the fishing pole. 5. Tie the stick to the fishing pole. 6. Catch the locket with the fishing pole. Click through the story. Game switches to Combat interface. (Either attack monster or retreat.) Allanon appears. Click through the story. Game switches to Story interface. Story Interface: Click on the question you wish to learn the answer to or click on the response that you wish to give. (Hint: In most cases choosing the bottom choice will advance you through the groups of questions so that you don't have to ask each question that is shown.) Click through the story. Map Interface: Follow the road heading east. Scene 2: Shella trapped under fallen tree. Click through the story 1. Push the large rock. 2. Move the log with the fishing pole. Click through the story. 3. Talk to Shella. Game switches to Story interface. 4. Choose "Why are you here?" 5. Choose "What did your locket look like?" 6. Choose "Why is the locket so important?" 7. Give the locket to Shella, then choose any response. Game switches to Map interface. Go East until you reach the river. Then go North until it lets you cross. Cross the river. Get back on the road. Continue East until you reach Leah. Scene 3: City of Leah. Click through the story. 1. Go North. 2. Go North. (Enter Mansion) 3. Go West. (Climb stairs) 4. Take the teacup. 5. Choose any response. 6. Go East. (Leave room) 7. Go South. (Leave Mansion) 8. Go South. 9. Go East. (Enter Herb shop) 10. Show the teacup to herbalist. Click through the story. 11. Take the green potion. 12. Choose "I think I can use it to help King Menion." 13. Go Southwest. (Leave Herb shop) 14. Go North. 15. In the garden pour the green potion on the Dogwood tree. 16. Take the flowers. 17. Go North. (Enter Mansion) 18. Take the potpourri. 19. Go West. (Climb stairs) 20. Take the steam pot. 21. Pour the steam pot on the brazier. 22. Take the charcoal from the brazier. 23. Go East. (Leave room) 24. Go South. (Leave Mansion) 25. Go South. 26. Go East. (Enter Herb shop) 27. Take the paper from the herbalist's hand. 28. Mix the charcoal with the pestle. Scene 4: King Menion cured and Allanon has arrived. 1. Go East. (Leave room) 2. Go South. (Leave Mansion) 3. Go South. Watch the story. 4. Go North. 5. Choose "There must be another way out of Leah." 6. Go North. (Enter Mansion) 7. Show the locket to the servant. 8. Choose "Shella wanted to see you in the library." 9. Unlock the Dragon design on the wall with the locket. Click through the story. Game switches to Map interface. Head West until the path goes North. Follow the path North until it reaches the river. (Avoid Monsters)... - o -