WRATH OF THE GODS (Part 2) Solution by Diana Griffiths @~Continued from Issue 43 DEALING WITH SCIRON (+25 = 200 points) Leave to the right and head up the path to the cliffs to meet Sciron. Talk to the bandit. He will demand that you wash his feet. When you get bored doing this, touch Sciron. Whoops . . . now you are in Hades. You have to get across the River Styx to leave. Talk to the shade on the right. Now go down and right until you meet another shade. Talk to her. Note where the coin falls from. Pick up the coin. (There is a short cut cave here but it only saves you walking through one screen.) Return left to Charon and his boat. Click the coin on your head and Charon will take you across the Styx. On the other side, talk to Sciron and he will tell you how to deal with Sciron. Leave Hades and return to the cliffs. Talk to Sciron again and wash his feet again. This time touch your foot and you will send Sciron to Hades! ---------------------------------------- VISITING THE CASTLE Return to the four way intersection and go right and up to the castle. Walk round to the servant's entrance. Knock on the door and go in. Talk to the high king. And take a seat at the banquet and talk to your hosts. When asked, pick out the insignia on the left. On your sword is the same symbol. When the king recognizes you as the long awaited hero, show him the sword. Then show the ring to the king. He will give you a video scroll from your mother. Go into the other room via the door on the right. Step on the panels in this order: Light Green (Spring), Bright Green (Summer), Yellow (Autumn) and White (Winter). Open the jewel box and take the tiara. ---------------------------------------- MAKING FRIENDS WITH THE WATER NYMPH Leave the castle. Take the path to the right to the pool. Jump into the pool with the nymph! Talk to the nymph. Get out and jump in again. Repeat this until the nymph repeats herself and gives you the helmet of invisibility. ---------------------------------------- RISKING AND AVOIDING BEE STINGS Get out of the pool and go left to the bees. Take some beeswax out of the beehive in the tree. Go back to the pool and jump in to escape the bees. Get out of the pool. ---------------------------------------- EASY MONEY! Go left past the bee tree and past the temple. Continue left until you reach the alphabet blocks. The blocks are moved by clicking the hand cursor on the block you wish to move to an empty position. Click the hand cursor above the empty position to place the block here. Rearrange the blocks in the correct order: alpha, beta, gamma and delta and a gem will be revealed. Take it. Each time you return here rearrange the blocks to reveal another gem. ---------------------------------------- A PLETHORA OF HEROES Return right and take the path up to the peddler woman. Talk to her then take her carrot (she will not offer the carrot to you ... just grab it!). Go right to another cave entrance to Hades. Go in and walk on until you meet Hercules. Talk to Hercules, then take the path up and you will find yourself in the dark. Eat the carrot. Walk through the caverns until you reach the bottom right. To the right you will encounter Orpheus. Take his lyre. Go up to the cavern entrance above and meet Theseus. Try to pull him free. You haven't the strength. You need to get help. Go to the left where you will find your way blocked by Cerberus. Play the lyre and Cerberus will fall asleep. Walk past him to the Treasury of Hades. Click on the red button, then select Pluto. Take the gem. Leave to the left, pull open the rock slab and go through to the entrance. Return up to Hercules. Talk to him and he will return with you to Theseus and pull him free. Talk to Theseus, but he will only give you a hint on how to get past Cerberus, which you have already done. Leave the cave as before. Re-enter the cave and travel right across the Elysian Fields until you reach Jason and Perseus jousting. Talk with them, then take a staff. Return to the outside, talking with Perseus on the way. ---------------------------------------- THE GRAEAE AND THE CORYNETES ARENA Once outside, go left to the horse. Head left to another cave entrance. Go in and talk to the Graeae. Take the eyeball when it is the hand of the hag on the left. Take the bow rather than the club for now. Leave the cave. Go left to the Corynetes Arena. Enter the arena and talk to the barker. Accept the challenge with Periphetes by taking the barker's club. Strike a blow by clicking the hand cursor on Periphetes. Another pathetic challenge! Leave the arena and return left to the Graeae. Take the eyeball as before then take the club. Return to the arena. Accept the challenge this time by clicking the club on Periphetes. Strike blows using the club. You win the prize ... a lump of lead! ---------------------------------------- THE ARGO AND THE CLASHING ROCKS (+25 = 225 points) Leave the arena, go left, past the Graeae cave, the horse and the entrance to Hades. Walk by the Cyclops. At the Mycenae Chariot go right to the beach. Continue right to the ship, the Argo. Take the hardtack out of the barrel. Climb on the boat. (Miss the next step out, if you wish to die and meet Zeus! You will get another chance to get it right.) Throw the hard tack at the clashing rocks. Click the walk cursor on the clashing rocks to take the ship through. When you encounter the siren, put beeswax in your ears and take the tiller. Look at the siren as the ship goes by her. Note the order she plays the notes in: 2, 1, 3, 4. Take the beeswax out of your ears. ---------------------------------------- THE GOLDEN FLEECE (+50 = 275 points) When you land on the beach, go right to the beach front taverna. Talk to the bartender and take the wine. Wow! Take the bottle of wine. Go right and talk to King Aeetes. Take the path up to the Golden Fleece. Try to take the fleece and a fire-breathing dragon will prevent you. Only try the following if you want to have a new experience in Hades! (Actually it will be worth your while.) Otherwise skip the next paragraph. Attack the fire-breathing dragon with your sword. Crisped! You are transported to Tantalus and Tartarus. Pick up the gem. Talk to Tantalus and reach for the grapes. Go right. Use the sledgehammer on the stalagmite. Leave the cave and return to the Golden Fleece. Play the lyre, plucking the strings as follows, from the left: 2, 1, 3, 4, and the dragon will fall asleep. Take the fleece. ---------------------------------------- THE CYCLOPS Leave the sleeping dragon and return to the beach. Head left past a cave mouth and your way back will be blocked by the Cyclops. Give the wine to the Cyclops and he will fall asleep. You can now walk past him when you need to. ---------------------------------------- LEARNING ABOUT MEDUSA Return to the sleeping dragon, via the beach and then take the path up and then to the right. From the Mt. Pelion Chariot stop, go right and then straight on to Medusa. Walk to the right ignoring the spoken cautions and you will be turned to stone when you look at Medusa. Hermes will bring you back to life and give you a fat covered bone. Return to the temple east of the nymph's pool (via Mt. Pelion Chariot stop, left to Corynetes Arena, down from horse and then right). Offer the fat covered bone to the temple. Try to enter the temple. You will be told to purify yourself before you can enter. Go right, past the bee tree, to the pool and jump in. You are now purified, so return left, past the bee tree, to the temple and enter. Walk toward the frieze. Pick the left most God(dess) Athena. Talk to Athena and she will give you a mirror. Leave the temple. ---------------------------------------- THE MIDAS TOUCH Return to the Mt. Pelion Chariot stop. Go right, then right again. Pick up the gem. Continue right along the path, through the market place. (If you have 2 gems, buy the eye chart at the market place.) From the Hesperides Chariot stop, continue left past the mountains, then turn right. When you reach the tree, pick the red apple. Dionysus bestows the Midas Touch on you and your apple is turned to gold . . . the explosion blasts a path through the hillside. Ignore this short cut for now. @~The final section will be in Issue 45 - o -