NITEMARE 3D - A House of Horrors (On SynTax Disk 930) Reviewed by David Froude Nitemare 3D is a game similar to "DOOM". The version reviewed was V1.1, shareware version, copyright 1994 - David P Gray. The version on Syntax disk 930 contains episode 1 of 3 episodes available. The full program contains over 7.5 megabytes, and may be obtained from an address in the USA given in the disk. The 3 episodes are entitled:- Episode 1 A House of Horrors Episode 2 The Plasma Core Episode 3 Death or Glory The game is "zipped" on the floppy and may be down loaded onto the hard disk into a directory entitled "first aid". The game must be run from DOS. N3D loads the game bringing up the title screen. Two further key presses brings up the main menu New game Configuration H/W - Mouse, Joystick, Music, Sound FX Cheats Load (an existing saved game) Instructions (32 pages of it) Demo Quit I ran the demo but after a few minutes the game crashed out but episode 1 ran OK. You are given a choice of 3 levels of difficulty, "Be Gentle", "Tough" and "Let's Party". The setting for the game is the house of the evil Dr Hamerstein aided by his nasty minions. He has captured your beloved sweetheart Penelope and imprisoned her in order to carry out his evil experiments. (Where have I heard this before?) To continue, you, as Hugo, venture into the horrific world of Dr Hamerstein on your perilous quest for Penelope and a mystical mirror which leads to the "other side". The mission to rescue Penelope is not an easy one. You must not only defeat the crazed inhabitants of the house including Dr H but also solve numerous puzzles along the way. Finally your journey will take you through the mystical mirror to the "other side" where you will confront Dr H who is holding poor Penelope hostage. Well as I said before, this is a Doom style game and the first thing to do is to find a gun to blast the nasties before they do away with you. This is easily found but bullets are limited. However, all is not lost and the gun can be replenished as you explore the house. Other weapons may be found - a plasma gun, a magic wand and so on which provide additional armoury for downing those nasties. There are many corridors which end in seeming blank ends but a touch of the space button and they slide away revealing more corridors and nasties to shoot before they get you. Bookcases also slide along and it is difficult unless you have some sort of map to know where you have been before but provided you collect enough "eyes", pressing F9 will provide a map of the areas already visited. Pressing "tab" will provide a status report. There are many hidden passages and plenty of shooting to be carried out and for a Doom admirer this would I believe be just their cup of tea. - o -