Ghost Riders of El Diablo - part of PD disk 743 Author: John Olsen Solution by Bev Truter on PC The game begins with you standing on a wagon with a noose around your neck, and you'd better escape in a hurry! So "untie rope" twice to free yourself, then S,U to a Plateau, where you see the ghost of an Indian Chief. Talk to ghost and he will explain your quest - bring 10 silver objects here, and he will lift the curse on the town of El Diablo. D,N,N,N,E (Old Stables). Dig to find a silver spur, get spur. W,W (Sheriff's Office) X desk - old chocolate cake - X cake, break cake - hacksaw blade. Get blade, E,N,W (General Store). X stove - can of kerosene; X shelves - hacksaw handle. Get handle and can, put blade in handle, E, drop can, E (Saloon) X roulette wheel, and spin wheel which makes a silver dollar fall on the floor. Get dollar, X bar, E (behind bar), X shelf and you find a silver pocket watch. Get watch. W,U to Top of stairs, with a padlocked door to your East. Cut padlock with hacksaw, drop hacksaw, E (Saloon office). X desk - silver watch fob - get fob. W,D,W,S,S,S,S,U (plateau). Drop fob, watch, spur, dollar. D,N,N,N,N,N,W (Newspaper Office). X table - silver bullet - get bullet, E,N,E (School house). X desk - silver belt buckle - get buckle. W,N,E,N, get arrowheads, S, get horseshoe. W,S,W ( in Abandoned Church). X pews - silver crucifix - get crucifix. You need the rope, but do not pull it yet. Pulling the rope also rings the church bell, which scares off the ghost riders, and you are safe for another day. E,S,S,S,S,S,W,W,N (in Shack). X the fireplace to find a silver nugget wedged in the chimney. Get nugget, S,E,E,S,U, drop nugget, buckle, crucifix, bullet. D,N,N,N,N,N,N,W to the Church. Wait here till midnight, when the ghost riders appear, and when "They're after you" comes up, pull the rope. The rope breaks, get rope; the riders ride away out of town, and a violent storm blows up. Wait for dawn, E,S,S, get can. S,S,S,W,W,S (inside Mine). Get lantern, fill lantern with kerosene, light lantern, drop can. Tie rope to the spike and climb down it (bottom of Mine shaft). Get keg, X keg, U,N,E,E,N,N,N,N,E (inside Bank). X safe, drop keg, drop arrowheads, light keg, and you run for cover as the safe blows apart. When the dust settles, you find a bar of pure silver. Get bar. W,N,N,E,N,U (In Cemetery). The flash flood has revealed a large skeleton key. Get key, D,S,W,S,S,S,S,W (Sheriff's Office). Unlock the cell door with the key, W into the Jail cell, X cot - Sheriff's silver star - get star. E,E,S,S,S,U. The ghost of the Indian Chief appears, takes all the silver objects, and gives you a piece of turquoise; telling you to put it on the graves to lift the curse. D,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,E,N,U (in Cemetery). Drop turquoise - there's a clap of thunder, and you have succeeded in lifting the curse on El Diablo. Congratulations! - o -