WORMHOLE: THE BEGINNING. A Text Adventure Game, on Syntax Disk 971. Solution submitted by Tom Lorimer. Let's start by going West, Examine dog, Give dogfood to dog, Examine back door, Enter flap, West, South, Examine toilet, Open toilet, Look inside toilet, Take key, North, Northeast, South, East, Examine coats, Take hanger, West, South, South, South, Unlock honda with hanger, Open honda, Enter honda, Open compartment - repeat move until it opens, Take flashlight, Exit, North, North, North, Down, Examine door, Unlock door with key, Open door, North, Examine freezer, Move freezer, Look, Examine portal, Enter portal, South, Enter hole, East, Jump in pool, Search George, Enter portal. It's now time to buy the first full game in the series. - o -