WRATH OF THE GODS (Part 3) Solution by Diana Griffiths @~Continued from Issue 44 MOUNT OLYMPUS Walk on to the right past the tree to Mount Olympus. Climb Mount Olympus. From the terrace enter the doorway to Hermes' bedroom. Walk very carefully round both corners of the bed and take the flying sandals from the pillar to the right of his bed. Leave, again walking carefully around the bed. You may wake Hermes but you will keep his flying sandals. From the terrace, climb over the balcony and down the mountain. Leave on the right. ---------------------------------------- DEALING WITH MEDUSA (+25 + 25 = 325 points) Take the short cut made by Dionysus. Go left then up to Medusa. Arm yourself with your sword. Take the mirror then look at it with the eye cursor. Attack Medusa. When she is injured, put on the helmet of invisibility and the flying sandals. Try to walk away and you will lop off her head, keep it and then fly away. ---------------------------------------- TAMING PEGASUS AND DEFEATING THE CHIMAERA (+50 = 375 points) Return to the short cut path at the ruined buildings. Go right then down the path where a glow can be seen on the skyline. Use the flying sandals to fly to the source of the glow. Pick up the golden bridle. Fly back to the path. Return to the right, go up the short cut path from the ruined buildings to the tree. Go left to Pegasus. Put the bridle on Pegasus. Take the staff. Sharpen the staff with your sword. Use the lump of lead to put a tip on the lance. Ride Pegasus to the Chimaera. Only try the following if you want to have a new experience in Hades! Otherwise skip the next paragraph. Use the sword on the Chimaera and you will die . . . and be transported to Hades to meet Sisyphus. Push the boulder up the slope and keep pushing. Leave to the left. Push the rock slab aside. Go through and exit down to the outside. From here you will have to go back to Pegasus' field and ride him to the Chimaera again. Use the lead tipped lance on the Chimaera. You return successful to Pegasus' field. ---------------------------------------- PAN AND HIS PIPES Go left until you meet Pan. Talk to Pan, then continue left, then up the path to the beach. Use the oars to row the boat to the island. Pick up the reeds and string. Return in the boat to the beach. Leave on the right. Go left to the peddler woman. You need to clear the fallen pillar away and you don't have the strength. Go right and return to Pan. Put the reeds on the path in front of Pan. Use your sword to cut the reeds to size. Use the string on the reeds to make some pipes. Give the pipes to Pan. Pan will clear away the fallen pillar. Take the pipes from Pan. Walk to the left. ---------------------------------------- ARGUS Talk to Argus. If you have the eye chart, show it to him. Play the pipes to Argus and he will fall asleep. Walk past Argus. ---------------------------------------- CAENUS Talk to Caenus. He says he is invincible. Try Medusa's Head on him. Not so invincible after all! Walk by Caenus. ---------------------------------------- HERA Talk to Hera. She will transport you to the beach. Swim out to the ship. Talk to King Minos. ---------------------------------------- EXPLORING KNOSSOS (ARRIVAL, DAEDALUS) Talk to King Minos. Leave the arrival hall on the left. Take the wooden shafts of the ceremonial axes. Go through the doorway to the left. Try to take the bottle. Try to pet the bird. Pick up the feathers. Go through the doorway on the right to the workshop. Talk to Daedalus. Take the candle on the shelf at the back of the workshop. Leave on the left and walk down the corridor to the left. Go to the doorway on the right. When you are prompted to enter a password, type "IO". Go through the doorway. ---------------------------------------- BULL-LEAPING (+25 = 400 points) Watch the bull-leaping, then try it for yourself. You will need to practice. First click the hand cursor on the bull then click again on the bull as it is moving. When you succeed in leaping successfully over the bull, you will win the bonus points. Practice some more, then leave on the left. ---------------------------------------- EXPLORING KNOSSOS (THRONE ROOM, GARDEN, DIONE) Go left to the throne room. Pick up both vases. Leave on the right. Talk to Princess Ariadne. Flirt with her, plead for a kiss, then say INEEDHELP ("I need help" with no spaces.) When she asks for the magic word, say PLEASE. Take the ball of thread. Open the door on the right. Fire! . . . Hurry now! Go back into the garden and fetch water using one of the vases. If the vase leaks, use the other vase. If the vase breaks, use the other vase. When the fire is out, pick up the ember. Go through the door on the left. Go left to Dione. Give her the tiara. You are probably getting the hint by now about your final task! ---------------------------------------- ESCAPING KNOSSOS Leave Dione and go out to the terrace. Remember what Daedalus was doing? You are going to make wings. Put the sticks, feathers, candle and ember on the ground. Make the wings. Use the wings to escape from Knossos. ---------------------------------------- BOWMANSHIP (+50 = 450 points) You will land on the beach near the clashing rocks. Make your way to the Mt. Pelion chariot stop. Go up the path to meet the centaur. Talk to him and hand over your golden apple. Use your bow to shoot at the targets. This is very difficult, but practice. Go to the field where you found Pegasus and go down. Walk up to meet Atlas. Use your bow and shoot at the obnoxious dragon. This is even more difficult as there is a time limit. Keep trying. You will only get maximum points if you defeat this guy. ---------------------------------------- HERA Go left and continue left until you reach Argus' arch. Take the path through the arch and up the steps to the entrance where Caenus stood guard. Go through to meet Hera. To return to Knossos, walk straight ahead toward the view. Talk to King Minos. ---------------------------------------- AT SEA Talk to the sea gull . . . Sorry! Talk to King Minos. You dive in to recover the ring. You will be eaten by sharks unless you follow these directions: North, North, East, North, East, East, South, South, East. Go right up to the mermaid. ---------------------------------------- LABYRINTH AND THE MINOTAUR (+50 = 500 points) Talk to Minos outside the labyrinth. Go right until you reach the large stylized bull horn statue. Go up then left, then left again. You should find the Minotaur here. Did you practice bull-leaping? I hope so! That's what you have to do now. Click on the minotaur to get him charging, then click on him again so you can leap over him. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again! When you have succeeded, punch the Minotaur several times on his nose, a few times on his body and again on his nose until you knock him out. Leave on the left. Walk up, then right to the bull horn statue. Then continue left to the exit. (Alternatively, you can use the ball of thread (clew) that Ariadne gave you.) ---------------------------------------- CONCLUSION You will now meet your father. You may have met him before . . . Zeus. Enjoy the closing sequences. ---------------------------------------- This walkthrough is copyright (c) 1995 by Diana Griffiths. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without permission. Thanks to Clif Smiley for testing this walkthrough and improving its usability and accuracy. - o -