Bookshelf By Sue Hogfather - author Terry Pratchett Gollancz, hardback œ15.99 Ho, ho, ho. It's the night before Christmas ... I mean Hogswatch ... on the Discworld. Children all over the disc are hanging up stockings and waiting for the Hogfather to come along and fill them with presents. There's only one problem; he's missing, maybe even dead. So someone has to stand in for him. Picture a cadaverous figure, positively skeletal, trying hard to be jolly with an echoing 'HO, HO, HO' and aided by an ugly 'pixie' called Albert. Put a red robe and a false white beard on him and give him a sack of presents to carry down the chimney. No, it's no good, whichever way you look at it, it's _still_ Death dressed up. Meanwhile other characters are preparing for Hogswatch. Susan Sto-Helit, Death's granddaughter, is working as a governess and, because of her ancestry, has a most original way of dealing with bogeymen. An assassin called Mr Teatime (pronounced Teh-ah-tim-eh) has gathered a motley crew of unsavoury characters and NOT because he's organising a Hogswatch party, far from it. Death of Rats has palled up with a raven with an eyeball fixation. The Auditors, who first appeared in Reaper Man, are back, and something v-e-r-y strange has happened to reality so that various obscure gods and other spirits are popping into existence just because people think of them. Meanwhile Ridcully, Archchancellor at the Unseen University, is getting Modo the gardener to unblock a door which is clearly marked 'Do not, under any circumstances, open this door' ... can things get any worse? Probably. Hogfather is another excellent Discworld novel, the 20th in the series. Long may they continue, is all I can say. Though the tales are getting somewhat blacker, there is still a lot of humour in all of them and this book is no exception. Terry P has an inventive mind, capable of looking at an every day tale and twisting it just enough to fit it into Discworld mythology. Though it's aimed at Christmastime, I'd recommend you read it whatever time of the year it is. - o -