THE ADVENTURERS' MUSEUM A Text Adventure for PC on SynTax PD 520. Author: Lee Chapel Solution by Bev Truter At the front of the Adventurers' Museum. Open door, N-W to the West wing. Here the Curator greets you and explains the sad tale of all the items missing from the trophy case. He gives you a brass lantern and a loaf of waybread, and you are all set to start the adventure. Eat the waybread when the game informs you that you feel hungry - there is enough for about 6 meals. Drink water from any location near the river or pond when you feel thirsty, or lug a bucketful of water around when you find the bucket. You can only hold about 6 items at once, so you will have to make frequent return trips to the West wing to store treasures in the trophy case. Anything dropped outside the Museum is likely to get moved about, often to an inaccessible location, due to a mischievous imp's random activities. Unless you are wearing the ring to make yourself invisible, he will also steal treasures you are carrying. If you want to find out more about any of the treasures, then show it to the curator - you must be holding the item, and the Curator must be present. He will give you some helpful information about some of the treasures. At West Wing. Open case, E-S-S-E to the Cave Entrance. Here you find a GOLD RING, so get it and wear it, then turn the lantern on. E-N-W to the cemetery. Get the IVORY DAGGER, then go E-E to a Large Cavern. Above you and to the East you see another room overlooking this one, with a large boulder balanced near the edge of the cliff. Examine the locked door to the North and you discover a thin wire running between the boulder and the door. SAVE, as sometimes you survive the boulder crashing down, and sometimes you get killed. Cut wire with dagger. When the boulder comes crashing down narrowly missing you, then go W-N to the Pond. Drop lantern (taking it with you underwater ruins it permanently), enter pond. D-N, get CRYSTAL TRIDENT. N-U-E to the shore beside another pond. S-W to the Flower Garden. Examine flowers - they are a species of lotus - and pick lotus. "Smell lotus" to discover another use for the flowers - you can pick more than one. E-E-E to the Temple, where you see an altar with some jewellery on it. (and note the spelling of "jewellery" - it has to be "jewelry" to be recognized by the programme). Put lotus on altar, and a vision of the goddess Tamyra appears. She will allow you to take the jewelry now, so get JEWELRY, West, get GLOWING ORB. Examine the orb - it is a source of light as well as a treasure, so you can use it instead of the lantern. Return to the West Wing via the pond, and deposit the jewelry, dagger and trident in the case. Return to the Flower Garden. Flower Garden. Get lotus, E-S-U-E to the Mirror Room. Examine the apparatus here, and get the SILVER KEY. W-S-W to the Overview, where all that is left of the boulder is a depression in the ground, and you find a JEWELLED SWORD. Return the way you came, via the pond, to the Large Cavern with the locked door. Unlock door with key, open door, North to a small cave. Get the ERMINE ROBE. Return to the West wing and put the key and robe in the case - hang on to the sword for the next section. West wing. E-S-S-E-E-S to the South side of Bridge. Open the door of the Troll's Hut, West. The Troll immediately emerges and prevents you from entering. He also refuses to let you cross the Bridge to the North side, unless you give him something. Instead of giving him a treasure, the lotus will send him to sleep and allow you to pass. Or you can jump in the river and emerge at the Cave Entrance, but this method sometimes sweeps you westward over the falls, so SAVE before trying to return to the Museum this way. Ignore the Troll for the moment, and first collect a few more items before giving him the lotus. South Bridge. E-E-U-E to the Dragon's Lair. SAVE a game here, as the next bit is a bit tricky, and you might have to repeat it several times before getting the painting. Hit Dragon with sword - this won't kill him, but it catches his attention and he will follow you for a few moves. W-D-W-W to South of Bridge, and make sure the Dragon is still with you - if he loses interest and wanders off you might still be able to return to his lair and dodge him, but it's best to lure him as far from his lair as possible. (South Bridge). E-E-U-E to Dragon's Lair, get PAINTING, W-N-N, and wait here for a few moves, until the Dragon has returned to his lair. You can't return to his lair carrying the painting, and if he catches you emerging from his lair after stealing it, you will get your head bitten off - literally! Also, you CANNOT take the painting to the West wing via the pond or the river, as all the colours will run, and it will lose its value as a treasure item. Edge of Cliff. S-S-D-W-W to South Bridge. Give lotus to Troll, and note his reaction. W to Troll's hut, get axe, E-N-W-W-N-N-W to West wing. Put painting and sword in case. From now on you can avoid the Troll by jumping in the river from the T-Intersection, and you will be swept westwards to the North side of the Bridge. But be careful in avoiding the Troll this way - occasionally you will be swept over the falls and drown, instead of emerging on the North side of the Bridge. You can also pick another lotus and give it to the Troll if you want to keep dry! There's another way of avoiding the Troll later on, but you haven't found that means of transport yet. West wing. E-S-S-E-E-S-E-E-U-E to Dragon's Lair again. Down to a Dead End, and read the invoice to discover what the crate contains. North to a N/S passage, where a cyclops' skull with a ruby in its socket prevents you from travelling further North - the ruby emits a strange beam of light, guarding the Northern exit. This problem can be solved in two ways - if you have the bucket, fill it with water, and throw water at skull. Or carry on reading.......S-U-W-N-N-E to the Mirror Room. Drop the crate, then open it. A Basilisk leaps out, and its deadly gaze shatters the mirrored apparatus. At the same time it is killed by its own reflected gaze, leaving only a GOLD CORONET behind. Get coronet, W-S-S-E-D-N to N/S Passage. Since the apparatus directing the beam of light through the ruby has been destroyed, the skull has crumbled to dust and you can get RUBY. N-E-D to the Tomb of Thorin, the Dwarf King. Open coffin, put axe in coffin, and Thorin's ghost appears - as a reward for returning his axe you may take the HUGE DIAMOND from the Treasury. U-N to Treasury, get diamond. Return to the West wing and put the ruby, diamond and coronet in the case. West wing. E-S-S-E-E-S-E-E to the foot of the stairs. Don't take the matchbox yet - if you take it, then drop it elsewhere, it will probably disappear, thanks to the Imp. The same goes for the candle, which you find a bit further on. South to the Statue Room, examine the statue. Its bow and arrow point South, so you can either leave it as is, or "turn statue" to make the bow and arrows point East. Assuming you've left the statue pointing South, you can't go North to the Statue Room from the small cave. Drop waybread, E-E to Stable, get hay. W to Smithy, get saddle. W-S-S to an Open Area where you find a winged horse grazing. "Feed horse".(If you are carrying the waybread, it will demolish your waybread). Then put saddle on horse, ride horse, dismount. Drop hay. Another Open Area. E-S, get bucket. N-W-S to the Bat Room. Get the PLATINUM FLUTE and examine it - it's encrusted with bat guano, and is unplayable. North, ride horse, dismount. N-E-N to Smithy. Examine ashes and you notice a glint of silver - get SILVER BARS. West, get waybread, N-W to T-Intersection, drop bucket, SAVE. Jump in river, and you are swept along (hopefully) to the North side of the Bridge. W-W to Beside the River, wash flute - it's now restored to its original state, and playable. N-N-W to West wing. Put bars in case. E-S-S-E-E-S-E-E-U-N-N-D-N to the Middle of Garden, with the snake coiled around the base of the tree. Play flute and the snake falls asleep, climb tree, where you find a huge emerald in the shape of an egg in a bird's nest. Get EMERALD EGG, Down. Return to the West wing via the pond or the river. Put emerald and flute in case. Return to the T-Intersection where you left the bucket. Get bucket and fill bucket, East, get matchbox. Open matchbox, get match, S-S, get candle. E-N-W-N-W-S to the Witch's Cave. Examine the candle, and you discover it's a stick of TNT. Throw water at witch - she melts away, leaving behind her hat and broomstick. Drop bucket, get broomstick, wave broomstick to break the magical barrier preventing you from going South. South, get SILVER BELL, open coffin to reveal a flight of stairs leading downwards. D-E-E to the Purple Room with the message on the wall - "the postman always rings twice". Ring bell, ring bell; and a section of wall slides away to the east. E-S to the Frog Room. Put candle in hole, light match, light candle. N-W-W to the E/W Corridor. Drop matchbox, drop matches, get SAPPHIRE BRACELET. W-U-N-N-E-S-S-S to the Open Area. "Ride broomstick" to return to a random location outside the Museum, go to the West wing and put the bell and bracelet in the case. Return to the Frog Room. You must be in one of the Open areas to ride the broomstick successfully. If you try riding it anywhere else, the consequences can be hilarious, but painful. The muffled explosion you heard was the TNT, which blasted a large opening in the southern wall of the Frog Room. South to a cul-de-sac, get sack, open sack, get GEMS, drop sack. N-E to the Pentacle Room. Read the note, which is a backwards clue for the sequence of colours needed to open the panel in the Machine Room. Make sure you are still wearing the gold ring before saying the word written on the wall, as you have to be invisible, or the Demon will see you and carry you off to the nether regions. Summon the demon by saying "ZOPHIA", and he emerges from the depths of the pentacle on the floor, carrying a valuable tapestry. Seeing nothing, he tosses the tapestry on the floor and disappears. Get TAPESTRY. Return to the West wing by riding the broomstick from the Open Area, and put the tapestry and gems in the case. E-S-S-E-E-S-E-E-S-S-E to the Machine Room, where you see 3 buttons on the East wall. Push blue button, push orange button, push red button. A section of wall below the 3 buttons slides upward, revealing an opening to the East. E to a Secret Room, get the chest. W-W-S, ride the broomstick, then return to the West wing. Drop chest, get the silver key from the trophy case and unlock the chest, then open it. Inside the chest are some coins. Get COINS and put them in the case. Finally, put the key, the orb and the ring in the case. Congratulations, you have finished the game with 300/300, and the curator wanders in and offers you a worn parchment map, showing the way to the Northern Palace of the Necromancer........the saga continues in "The Palace of the Necromancer"- (Part 2 of the Trilogy "The Legacy of the Necromancer). - o -