F L A S H B A C K (US Gold/Delphine) Solution provided and amended by Phil Darke @~The original author for this solution is unknown. However, it @~was written for the Amiga and did not include passwords for the @~PC version. Phil has amended the solution to include these and @~also added a little bit to it to overcome a couple of small @~problems which weren't covered ... Sue NOTE:- This solution was written for the Amiga and all the Passwords included in the text are for the Amiga. The P.C version has now been released on a budget label. The passwords for the P.C. version are listed below. There are two lists, for EASY and NORMAL levels. EASY NORMAL ---- ------ LEVEL 1 DINO COD 2 NINERS REPLAY 3 BRNDON SYSTEM 4 RCARDO NPCAI 5 BEYOND TAMPER 6 SILVER NIFTY 7 PRIMAL PROBE If you just want to see the end of game cut scene the password is NIXOT. LEVEL ONE - CODE: BACK From the start, pick up the HOLOCUBE located one screen below. Move to the RIGHT and dispose of the first Ogre. Go LEFT and pick up the ROCK and 10 CREDITS. Move RIGHT, let the door slide open and incinerate the second Ogre. Pick up the PILE. Go DOWN (making sure that you don't plunge and die) then move RIGHT, avoiding the force field and current running through the ground. Recharge SHIELD and PILE. Move all the way LEFT and place the PILE into the CONSOLE (this opens the bridge). Once you cross, take the lift and go LEFT. Throw the ROCK at the SENSOR so that the lift stays down. Pick up the TELEPORTER and the two ROCKS. Take the BOTTOM lift DOWN. You must now go back RIGHT (there is a deep drop here so avoid it). Climb DOWN, then climb DOWN again. Jump DOWN to the two Ogres and, hopefully, they will kill each other. If not, dispose of the remaining one. Go RIGHT and disable the force field. Pick up the ROCK. Kill another Ogre. Pick up 100 CREDITS. Pick up the KEY. Pick up 100 CREDITS. To the RIGHT you'll face another Ogre (make sure that you have your gun ready). Pick up 500 CREDITS. Go all the way LEFT with caution. Insert the KEY into the console (which opens a door). Now you must go back over the bridge all the way to the RIGHT where you recharged those previous items. On the top, go LEFT and kill the Ogre, then go UP and play with the SENSORS until you get to the top. Go RIGHT and TALK to the injured traveller. Give him the TELEPORTER and pick up the I.D. CARD. Now go back all the way LEFT over the bridge, carefully. Go all the way LEFT, DOWN and then pass the I.D. CARD through the console. CLIMB DOWN (be careful as it is a very long drop). There are two more Ogres here. Climb DOWN and see if they obliterate each other; if not, dispose of the remaining one. There is a sensor on the RIGHT and, if you try to walk, it sets off a laser beam; DUCK down and ROLL into the next screen. There is an old Hermit on the RIGHT who will sell you the ANTI-G BELT for your CREDITS. Then JUMP DOWN to the next level. LEVEL TWO - CODE: LOUP Go all the way RIGHT and climb DOWN to bring up the LIFT. From the MIDDLE platform, RUN and JUMP to get on the top. There, you'll find 2 Cops, who will shoot you, so you must dispose of them. After that, TALK TO IAN and ACTIVATE the CHAIR. You'll watch a long 'cut sequence' now, after which you must TALK TO IAN again. He'll then open the door. Go through and CLIMB DOWN to kill the Ogre at the bottom. Pick up the FUSE and return UP to INSERT it into the console. Again, ACTIVATE the CONSOLE to bring down the lift. Take the lift UP and go LEFT. You must now TALK TO MAN, after which you must OPEN the DOOR, bring up the lift and go DOWN to the Train. ACTIVATE MAP to make yourself familiar with the Subway System. Take the Train to the BAR (AMERICA). TALK TO BARMAN then go all the way RIGHT and TALK TO FORGER. Go back to the Train and take it to the COUNCIL (AFRICA). TALK to each moron and give your I.D. CARD to the GOVERNOR. He'll give you some WORKING PAPERS. Take the Train to the JOB CENTRE (EUROPA). TALK TO MAN and INSERT the WORKING PAPERS to accept Mission 1 (you may also review what this mission is about). Take the Train to ASIA and collect a PACKET from a WOMAN. Take this packet to AFRICA and GIVE it to the MAN. Here he will pay you. Take the Train to the JOB CENTRE and accept Mission 2. [SAVE HERE!]. You may also recharge your shield. Take the Train to RESTRICTED AREA 2 (AFRICA). Pick up the V.I.P. Go all the way RIGHT. Shoot the Ogre. Pick up and INSERT the KEY into the CONSOLE. Go LEFT and kill the Ogre. Go LEFT again and dispose of the 2 Floating Balls. On the TOP platform collect the KEY. Go RIGHT and INSERT KEY to open the door. Get the V.I.P. and proceed DOWN. Here he will pay you and then teleport you to the Mission Room. Recharge. [SAVE HERE!]. INSERT WORKING PAPERS to accept Mission 3. Take the Train to the BAR (AMERICA). TALK TO CUSTOMER. Go DOWN and TALK TO COP. Go back behind the bar and shoot the Ogre. Then TALK TO MAN and go back DOWN to shoot the Cop. He'll leave a KEY. Pick it up and go back behind the bar to OPEN a FLOOR TRAP. JUMP IN. [SAVE HERE!]. Go RIGHT and shoot the two Terminators. You'll get paid now and be teleported back to the Mission Room. Recharge. [SAVE HERE!]. INSERT the WORKING PAPERS to accept Mission 4. This mission is not tough, but it's FAST!! Step into the Teleporter. RUN to the RIGHT, OPEN the FLOOR TRAP and RUN all the way LEFT. Take the lift DOWN, RUN RIGHT, and JUMP on the TOP platform to activate the lift. Take the lift DOWN and go RIGHT. In the right place, INSERT the correct CARD. You'll get paid and be teleported back to the Mission Room. Recharge. [SAVE HERE!]. INSERT the WORKING PAPERS to accept Mission 5. This mission is not that easy, so make sure that you take your time and be patient. Proceed to RESTRICTED AREA 3 (EUROPA, same station). [SAVE HERE!]. Shoot the Ogre and go DOWN. Shoot the second Ogre and get the KEY. Go DOWN and shoot the third Ogre. Go LEFT and INSERT KEY. Go LEFT, pick up the ROCK and THROW it. Shoot the next Ogre. RUN LEFT and JUMP DOWN to shoot yet another Ogre. Go to the TOP platform and ACTIVATE SENSOR to open the door. CLIMB DOWN and then ROLL RIGHT. Pick up the KEY and the CREDITS. Go back LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT and DOWN. Dispose of the Cop, open the door and incinerate the Flying Ball. Here you'll get paid and be teleported back to the Mission Room. Recharge. [SAVE HERE!]. Go the BAR (AMERICA) and TALK TO FORGER. Give him the CREDITS and collect the I.D. Proceed to the DEATH TOWER and GIVE I.D. TO MAN. Go in and find yourself on the next level. LEVEL THREE - CODE: CINE 8: Go RIGHT and kill the Terminator OPEN door, go back RIGHT and RECHARGE. Go LEFT, kill Terminator and proceed LEFT. OPEN door and take the lift UP. 7: JUMP UP and proceed LEFT. OPEN FLOOR TRAP, go LEFT and kill Terminator. ACTIVATE DOORS and kill Terminator. Go LEFT and kill Terminator. Go LEFT, CLIMB UP, go LEFT and kill Terminator and two Floating Balls. Proceed LEFT and SAVE HERE. Go LEFT and take the lift UP. 6: Go RIGHT and OPEN door. ROLL LEFT, CLIMB UP and go LEFT. Watch out for the trap door and then RECHARGE. Go LEFT and kill Terminators. Proceed LEFT and watch out for floor mines. Take the lift UP. 5: ROLL LEFT and kill Terminator. CLIMB UP, ROLL RIGHT and SAVE HERE. Go LEFT and CLIMB DOWN. From the CENTRE platform, RUN LEFT and JUMP UP to proceed LEFT. Jump over the pits and continue LEFT. Take the lift UP. 4: Go RIGHT, RELEASE TERMINATOR then kill him. OPEN DOOR and go RIGHT. RECHARGE and kill Terminator. On the BOTTOM platform, go RIGHT and OPEN DOOR. On the MIDDLE platform, go RIGHT and OPEN FLOOR TRAP. On the BOTTOM platform, go RIGHT and take the lift UP. 3: Kill Terminator and go RIGHT. Kill the MIDDLE Floating Ball, kill Terminator and SAVE HERE. Kill remaining three balls and take the lift UP. 2: Kill Terminator, OPEN DOOR and kill the other Terminator. Take the lift UP. 1: Kill Terminator. You'll now watch another 'cut sequence' of a TV Studio where you'll receive money and launch on a space crusade to the next level. LEVEL FOUR - CODE: GOOD TALK TO MAN and give him the I.D. CARD. Go LEFT, kill the Cop and go LEFT. Here, kill the second Cop (use the FORCEFIELD - it really works!). Go DOWN, kill the Cop and the Floating Ball. From the MIDDLE platform, go RIGHT and RECHARGE. Go RIGHT and kill the Cop. Proceed RIGHT and dispose of all the Cops that show their faces. Go back LEFT and RECHARGE if necessary. Go RIGHT and INSIDE. Kill 2 Cops and a Floating Ball. Move RIGHT and CALL TAXI. [SAVE HERE!]. Climb to the TOP platform. RUN and JUMP all the way RIGHT and CRACK the CRYSTAL. Proceed INSIDE and RIGHT. Here dispose of the Terminator, take the lift UP, CRACK the CRYSTAL and get the KEY. Go all the way RIGHT, JUMP to the MIDDLE platform, RIGHT again and RECHARGE. Step LEFT and incinerate the Robot (watch it as it explodes!). ACTIVATE CONSOLE, Go RIGHT, OPEN DOOR with KEY and take the lift DOWN. [SAVE HERE!]. Climb UP and the wall will slide away. Take the lift DOWN and go UP. On the RIGHT, kill the Terminator, pick up the KEY and proceed LEFT. Get rid of the 2 Floating Balls and climb UP. Move RIGHT and ACTIVATE CONSOLE so that the wall slides out of the way. Go LEFT and climb DOWN. Go RIGHT and DEACTIVATE the FORCE FIELD. Proceed DOWN, OPEN the DOOR and RECHARGE. Take the lift UP and go RIGHT. (There are two floor traps here that we didn't figure out so leave them). Go RIGHT and take the lift DOWN. On the LEFT, RUN and JUMP to the TOP platform so you can OPEN the DOOR. Go RIGHT, pick up the KEY, take the lift UP, OPEN the DOOR and step inside. Kill the Floating Ball, JUMP over the MINE and RUN like hell - a force field will follow you. Dispose of the Floating Ball and proceed RIGHT to the next level. LEVEL FIVE - CODE: SPIZ A Terminator will open the door. However, you can't kill him since you don't have the gun. RUN RIGHT and pick up the GUN. Kill the Terminator and pick up the KEY. [SAVE HERE!]. Go RIGHT and open BOTH doors. Proceed UP. (There are force fields all over here!). Go LEFT. Go DOWN to RECHARGE. Dispose of the BOTTOM Terminator and pick up both TELEPORT parts. Kill the UPPER Terminator, RUN and JUMP to the RIGHT screen, avoiding the force fields. OPEN the DOOR and THROW the TELEPORT RECEIVER. TELEPORT here. Kill the Floating Ball and pick up the TELEPORT RECEIVER. Jump DOWN and dispose of the Slime Creature. Go RIGHT and kill the second slime creature. Proceed LEFT. [SAVE HERE!]. Go LEFT and fall into the pit. Kill the Floating Ball in the next pit and proceed LEFT. CLIMB DOWN and enter the TELEPORT BEAM for the next level. LEVEL SIX - CODE: BIOS NOTE:- On level 5 you got the TELE receiver and TELE control. These are probably the two most useful objects in the game. You now have the ability to teleport out of trouble and can also be used to bypass hazardous objects such as pits, mines and disintegrators. Leave the TELE RECEIVER close to an energy generator. You can then teleport back to recharge. When your shield is getting low. Be careful, however to ensure that you can still return to where you were before teleporting. A good place to leave the TELE RECEIVER is on a lift. Go RIGHT and kill the slime creature. OPEN the DOOR, RECHARGE, go back LEFT and take the lift DOWN. Go DOWN, kill the slime, pick up the ROCK and go LEFT. THROW ROCK AT the SENSOR to open the door and go LEFT. ACTIVATE SWITCH to open the floor. On the BOTTOM platform, SHOOT the DOOR, OPERATE SWITCH and dispose of slime. Collect the ATOMIC CHARGE and proceed LEFT (check out the JOURNAL). Go DOWN, OPEN FLOOR and proceed DOWN. RECHARGE and kill slime. THROW the TELEPORT RECEIVER into the PIT and TELEPORT DOWN. Kill slime and go DOWN. [SAVE HERE!]. Kill the Mutant Dog and proceed LEFT. OPEN the DOOR and kill the slime. Go RIGHT, pick up the KEY and step RIGHT into the TELEPORTER. Go RIGHT and UP. Take the lift UP, go LEFT, and take a running jump onto the platform above the lift. Continue right and PLACE the KEY - to the next level. LEVEL SEVEN - CODE: HALL JUMP UP and take the lift UP. Be ready to kill the slime and then collect the 2 EXPLODING MICE. Proceed UP. RUN and JUMP to avoid the falling bombs. THROW the TELEPORT RECEIVER to the LEFT and take the lift UP. ACTIVATE SWITCH so that the lift goes back down. Move all the way LEFT and RECHARGE. Go RIGHT and get the TELEPORTER ready. JUMP into the pit with the slime and ACTIVATE SWITCH then immediately TELEPORT. Be ready to kill the slime at the bottom. Pick up the TELEPORT RECEIVER. Move RIGHT, pick up the KEY and OPEN the DOOR. Take the lift UP. [SAVE HERE!]. ROLL RIGHT, avoiding the force fields. Take the lift DOWN and INSERT KEY. Using the lift, blow up the floor mines. THROW the TELEPORT RECEIVER into the pit and TELEPORT DOWN. At the bottom, kill the slime, then by carefully timing yourself, dispose of the ORGANIC GUTS inside the half-sphere. Pick up the TELEPORT RECEIVER. Now, follow these instructions CAREFULLY: (1) STEP TO THE RIGHT OF THE FLOOR PIT. (2) JUMP LEFT (keep the button depressed) TO HANG FROM THE FLOOR. (3) MOVE JOYSTICK DOWN AND YOU SHOULD FALL DOWN AND HANG FROM THE BOTTOM. (4) ONCE YOU JUMP ALL THE WAY DOWN, PROCEED......... Move RIGHT and leave the TELEPORT RECEIVER. Go all the way LEFT and RECHARGE. Take the lift DOWN. [SAVE HERE!]. Move RIGHT and shoot two slimes. You must dispose of the GUTS hanging down from the ceiling. To do this, shoot them from the LEFT side, then from the RIGHT. Repeat until no more slime-bags come out. Go LEFT. Take the lift UP and RECHARGE. Take the lift back DOWN. [SAVE HERE!]. Go back RIGHT. Take the lift UP and go RIGHT. Pick up the MOUSE and kill the slime. Pick up the KEY, OPEN the DOOR and go back to RECHARGE. [SAVE HERE!]. Return to the door and take the lift DOWN. Go RIGHT and dispose of the 2 slimes (you might want to use the exploding mice here). Go RIGHT and ROLL through the force field. Leave the ATOMIC CHARGE and then HIT the SWITCH. TELEPORT back. Go RIGHT and take the lift UP. Here you will see the final 'cut sequence' at the end of the game!!!!!! OTHER 'CODES' PLAY PONT FIBO TOIT CLOP TIPS ZAPP CARA LYNX CALE SCSI FONT GARY HASH