Swords of Xeen A quick hint or two from Sue I've been playing Swords of Xeen since January and restarted it twice because I am finding it much harder than the previous Might and Magic games. I'm planning to review it next issue and provide some better hints but in the mean time, here are some things I have found. There are 3 towns, not counting Greyhaven where you start. The pyramid which you use to travel to Havec from Greyhaven collapses after a little while which seems a real pain if you haven't done everything you wanted there. It seems to be time related, not due to the number of trips you've made through it. Never fear, you can get back there later when you get to the north of Havec. There is a cloud area there and if you step onto the clouds without using levitation, you'll plummet through into Greyhaven! Your characters will start at a low level (9) and I found them slow to advance. They are still only on level 13 after 6 weeks play. This makes battles tough, especially against monsters such as giants and gargoyles, not to mention those dratted armadillos! Okay, I WILL mention them! Havec is divided into two areas by a mountain range (where is that mountaineering skill when you need it?! But I digress ...). A pass leads through the mountains from B8 to C8. You can't use magic in it because it's been cursed by a dead knight and those armadillos give you a nasty whack with their tails. I went into the pass from the south and lured an armadillo out, then headed southeast to the lake which I had already cleared of monsters. All my characters could swim so I stayed in the water and used ranged spells, using up all the spell points, resting and doing the whole thing again. Two goes like that bumped off each armadillo. I then went into the pass backwards (!) so that when I met the other armadillo that lived at the north end, I could flee out of the pass. I then lured him out and dumped him at the far northeast corner where he wouldn't get in my way until I was ready to deal with him. I hope one day I'll be strong enough to do so! - o -