TOONSTRUCK - Getting Started Taken from a solution by Alison Dunbar During the introduction you will have seen your character, Drew Blanc, make a deal with King Hugh of Cutopia - Drew must get the cutifier working in return for which King Hugh will send Drew home. THE ENGINEER Go downstairs and through the doorway on the right where you will find that the engineer has lost his glasses. Go back upstairs and through the left doorway to the trophy room (note that a couple of the trophies can be highlighted but you can't take them at the moment). Talk to the footman; select the bird icon to learn that Bricabrac (the engineer) always loses his glasses in his pocket. Go back to Bricabrac, talk to him and he will tell you the details of your mission and present you with a blueprint and a bottomless bag (your inventory). THE TROPHIES To get the trophies you need to get the footman out of the trophy room. Go outside the palace and talk to the guards. When they dance for you, Sparky will drop a key. Talk until they dance for you again (pick the guard icon), then pick up the key. Go back inside the palace and use the key to get into the room on the left - King Hugh's bedroom. Pick up the music box from the dressing table. Use Flux on the ladder to get the voucher from the bed. Read the note on the mirror - this is a clue to what must be done with the dressing table drawers - you must end up with the top and bottom drawers open and the middle two closed to open up a secret passage. Take a look under the rug on the floor then replace it. Go through the passage and look up at the trapdoor above you. Use Flux on the floorboard then use the floorboard. Go back to the bedroom and pull the cord - no more footman. Go up to the trophy room and take the fish trophy (a red herring!) - you can't remove the watering can from the room just yet, so leave the palace, go down the path, and enter the tavern (the one with the beer mug sign).... - o -