TORIN'S PASSAGE (Sierra) - Part 2 From Phil Darke @~Concluded from Issue 46 CHAPTER FOUR - ASTHENA You find yourself in a room with a pedestal in front of you and an exit to the north. You can not get out yet. First examine the top of the pedestal and then open the door in the base. Take the container and put it on the hologram. Now open it to obtain a wipe. Use this to clean the top of the pedestal. Now examine the top more closely. There is a button which will open the exit. Leave and you find yourself on an island. To the left is a strange machine. Press the button and then step back. The machine throws out a cannon ball which Torin catches. Repeat this until you have four cannon balls. Now go to the right hand side to the see saw. Put cannon balls into the left of the see saw and climb into the right. Repeat this until the see saw balances. Now go to the middle of the island, where you will find a catapult. Wind it up with the lever and climb in. Cut the rope and you are shot out. If you overshot then go back to the see saw and add one of the cannon balls to your inventory. If you undershot then you should discard a cannon ball. When you land use the scroll handles to get a good look around. You can see something in the north east corner so this is where you should head. When you arrive you find a strange machine. There is a valve on it but you can't turn it with your hands. Go back to the shore and go as far to the right as you can. Move the scroll handle as far right as you can. About a quarter screen from the left and about two thirds from the bottom you will see a peninsula extending from the right edge of the screen. Occasionally you will see a glint near the end and if you put the cursor there it will be highlighted. So head for this spot here you find a spanner. Return to the machine. The machine is a water cannon. When you use the spanner on it you squirt water onto the hot lava, cooling it and making a path for you. You now arrive at a cliff with loads of paths and caves. Make your way across to the bottom left corner of the screen. Here you find a lever. Operate the lever and stepping stones appear from the lava. You must stand on every stone once to make your way to the other side. Each stone sinks back into the lava after you step on it so don't hang about. When you reach the other side go to your right. Pick up the crystal and solve the puzzle by re-arranging the crystals so that the beam of light passes through each crystal and emerges through the right hand port. Now use the erresdy powder. CHAPTER 5 TENEBROUS You arrive in a room but Torin is unconscious. Turn Boogle into a nurse. Use the knife on the grating at the top of the screen. Crawl through the duct to the left until you fall into a garden. You get arrested and taken before the magistrate. He gives you another chance and returns you to the garden. Talk to the flower, she agrees to help you if you can remove the silk worms from her roots. Pick one of the red flowers and go left and talk to the tree. When you have finished talking use the red flower on the sap. Now return to the flower and click on the roots. Use the sap on the leaves and take the silk worms. Talk to the flower again and she will help you to cross the slippery slope by the tree. Go back to the tree and move the cursor onto the grass by the tree. You will hear a voice which will tell you when you have found a safe spot. Click her and repeat the process until you are across. Go through the door and pick up the top hat and cane from the table. Click on the rabbit. Give the top hat to the rabbit and pick up the bow. Walk left and talk to the carpenter. Next go and talk to the director. Now go left again and talk to the archivist He will give you a recording of Licentia. Now go left again and talk to Zippy, the magician. He tries to show you a card trick, but it fails. Give him the top hat with the rabbit. He takes it but still needs a wand, offer him the cane, he will reject it. Look at the shelf behind Zippy, take the bagpipes. Now go back to where the carpenter was and take the saw. Use the saw on the cane to make a wand. Give this to Zippy. He now needs a silk scarf, there is a picture of one on the poster behind Zippy. Take the poster and use the silk worms on it to make a scarf. Give this to Zippy and he will give you a magic book. Try to use the bow on the saw, it needs rosin. Go back to the acrobats and talk to them. Walk away and come back again. You can now take the rosin. Use the rosin on the bow and the director calls you on stage. Go behind the curtain and play the saw. You will now be arrested for impersonating a singer. You will be thrown into the null void. The null void is an area of zero gravity, so you will at first be unable to move. Click on the bagpipes and use the arrow cursors to move in the direction you want. Move to the right and down until you can see Licentia's door. Stand on the doorstep and ring the doorbell. Dreep will answer the door and if he sees you standing there he will kill you, so move to the underside of the step. Dreep will stand and look around and then go back in. You need to distract Dreep. Go back into the void and put the Crystcorder on the holographic projector. The audcryst was broken into several pieces when you got thrown into the void, but the individual pieces can still be used to create a sound. Arrange four of the broken pieces of audcryst in the groove at the back and press play. Rearrange the pieces until it says "Dreep come here". Drop the crystcorder in the void and return to the doorstep. This time when Dreep opens the door he will hear the words and go to investigate, leaving the door clear for you to enter. Inside you find Licentia cooking up some magic spell. Click the book of spells on her. When Licentia attacks you the collar starts to choke her. Click on the collar to release it. Licentia recovers and explains about your parents. The evil wizard appears and attacks you and threatens Licentia with a knife. Attack him and the click the magic spell book on him. You now return to the Lands Above. THE END - o -